Chapter 12

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(18th October 2026, Miles, Kai)

Axel was about leave, possibly to go to his room when Miles connected Axel's lips with his.

Miles had no clue what about what he was doing. When Axel admitted that he still loved Miles and Kai and in fact never stopped loving them, Miles felt something tug his heart. He was guilty, that was for sure but he also felt this feeling of desire, desire to want Axel back. He acted on impulse and kissed Axel but it still felt so right. He didn't know what to do with this though. He was the one who broke up with Axel all those years ago but back then, that felt right. Now, this was feeling right. He pitied himself for having missed years of happiness with Axel and Kai, together, only if he would have not broken things with him.

Miles only snapped back into reality when he felt that Axel wasn't kissing him back. Not that he expected Axel to forgive him in a fraction of a second and kiss him back, however he does now what to expect. He wished Axel forgave him but he knew he didn't deserve it.

As soon as he broke the kiss with Axel, the first thing that came to his attention was Kai. He just kissed his ex-boyfriend if front of his fiancé, that ex-boyfriend who just admitted his feelings for both him and his fiancé. Great! He has such an amazing timing (note the sarcasm). He looked at Axel and then at Kai when he heard Axel run upstairs, this time he was sure, to his room.

Guilt immediately consumed him. He is so stupid. He is repeating the same mistake over and over again. He should have talked through this. To ask how Kai and Axel felt. To take some time, think about this and respond accordingly. He wanted to deal with this like adults, not like the teenagers they were 7 years ago.

Miles kept staring at Kai, scared of his reaction. Will this ruin their marriage? Will this be the dead end?

Kai just stared back before sighing and shaking his head. "We need to talk" Was the only thing he said before going to their room. Kai looked relatively calm considering the present situation. He wasn't shouting and yelling so Miles thought it was fairly better. He waited for a couple of minutes, thinking about what he was going to tell before going inside their room.


Kai was feeling a lot of things at once. Surprise, guilt, slight anger, grief, confusion, he felt so chaotic that he couldn't think straight. He was also feeling calm but he didn't know the reason for that. He didn't even know how to react to Miles's sudden action. It was obvious that Miles acted on impulse but he wanted to hear that from Miles. He also wanted to talk to him about Axel's sudden confession, a completely unexpected one, but they need to talk about it.

Guilt was another strong emotion swirling inside him. He's blaming himself for what happened all those years ago. If it wasn't for him, Axel and Miles would have been happily together without any of this drama. He's so stupid. He was still blaming himself when Miles entered inside, looking at everything except Kai. Kai stood up and nodded at Miles before saying, "You have 5 minutes to explain yourself."

"I... um ... I don't know why I did that. The moment Axel admitted that he still loved us, something snapped. I'm actually really sorry but I regret breaking up with Axel. If I would've just followed the original plan, none of this would've happened. It's all my fault. If the three of us would've been together, then none of this would've happened. I'm so stupid. Now everyone will hate me. But I deserve it. After hurting Axel, then you, I deserve to rot in hell. I don't deserve any of you." By the end of Miles's rant, tears were already dripping down his face.

After all these years of them being together, this was the first time Kai saw Miles this vulnerable. Miles was always the tough one. He would always stay strong and firm and was never the one to let tears out. But seeing Miles like this snapped something in Kai so he immediately dropped his cold glare and hugged Miles.

"Hey, shh... I don't hate you. Neither does Axel. Everyone makes mistakes. I've made mine and you've made yours. Both of us are at fault here. We hurt Axel and now we should fix this. But first, please don't tell that you don't deserve us. No, you do. You're the prefect one for me. But you know what? Axel deserves much better than us. We hurt him so much but he still loves us. So, please calm down and stop blaming yourself." Kai slowly rubbed circles on Miles's thigh while whispering soothing words to calm him down. Once Miles calmed down, Kai decided to break the peaceful silence, "Now, about Axel's confession...." 

Tears and Smiles (Original version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ