Chapter 14

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(24th October 2026)

So, today was the job interview day and this day will decide if Axel can move out or not. He knew he was prepared, no shit. The past few days were.... depressing and he wanted to get out this as soon as possible and the only thing he did in the past few days was prepare for his already prepared meeting.

Ok, who was he kidding. He wanted to do anything but move out. He actually wanted to fix whatever was going on and stay with them for the rest of his life (He told this too many times) and not give a shit about anything else but everyone knows that's not possible, so it doesn't really matter.

Also, Kai and Miles didn't know he had an interview scheduled today. So, it is obvious that they'll freak out when he tells them but well, he can't do anything to help it. He got hurt once. He got hurt twice. He doesn't want it to happen again.

He woke up early in the morning so that he'll have enough time to get ready and eat. Today was a Saturday so Miles and Kai are probably at home but he didn't see them when he went to have breakfast.

He made sure to not forget his files and because there is no one to drop him and the place is far, he had to call an Uber.

He thought about his decision once again. Is he doing the same mistake by running away again? Or is he doing the right thing by leaving? He gets fed up because these unanswered questions sometimes. His life was always filled with 'what ifs'. He was always thinking what would've happened if things were different. If things are going to be different. Little did he know, he will be forever satisfied with this little decision of his cause this choice of his triggered a butterfly effect that will change his life forever.

He revised his notes of the interview the entire Uber ride and when he arrived, he couldn't be more nervous.

He slowly entered the building, looking around at the beautifully designed company. "This looks so much like Miles's style." He thought but immediately stopped and snapped back to his senses before sighing deeply. "I should stop thinking about them." He thought and reached to the lady working in the reception.

"Uhmm... I have an interview scheduled today for the PA of the CEO" He mumbled awkwardly, slightly uncomfortable by the way that woman was watching him. "Your name?" that lady asked and smiled in a flirty way towards him. "I...I'm Axel. Axel Marvel." He stuttered out, smiling politely at her. she eyed him one last time, before typing something into her computer and nodding back at him. "You have an interview scheduled in.... 2 minutes. Follow me please" She said and started moving towards the elevators. She pressed the button that'll lead to the 12th floor and Axel stood there thinking deeply.

There. He can't back out now. It was too late to rethink his decision. The only thing he can do now is to go with the flow.

Once they arrived, the lady for the reception nodded her head towards a door before looking at him. "Boss is expecting you. All the best, hope you get the job" She whispered before going back the way they came.

Axel took a deep breath and sighed before entering the room that will decide his future.

"You must be Axel Marvel. Am I right?" The CEO of that company asked him nodding at him. Axel took a good look of him, a pale, handsome man probably in his late twenties with striking green eyes and a body that will get most girls to their knees.

"Uhmm... yes, that's me" Axel said before taking a seat opposite to one of the richest man in the world, Jackson Bruke. "Well, tell me about yourself Mr. Marvel...."

The Interview lasted for about half an hour before Axel finished answering the last question. He waited for a few minutes while Jackson was checking his files when he finally asked a question, "Did I get in?"

"Curious much huh? Yes, Mr. Marvel, you did get in. I'll be giving you your bonus check in a couple of minutes. Hope you won't let me down." Jackson said smiling widely at Axel.

Axel couldn't believe it. He got in and he's even getting a bonus check. That means that he can leave as soon as possible. He was happy he got a job but he wasn't really keen on the idea of moving. "Thank you so much sir. I swear I'll never let you down." He said trying not to shout.

He was told what he was supposed to when he was here and his time schedule was given to him with his cheque before he finally left back to Miles's and Kai's home. He wanted to tell them about this right now so that he could go house hunting tomorrow. Once he arrived, he opened the door and went inside. The house as silent as always. For a moment he thought that Miles and Kai were not at home but when he hears hushed whispers coming from their room, he sighed and stood in front of their room door.

"Ok you can do this." He thought before knocking the door. Kai opened the door, looking surprised that Axel was here. "I want to talk to you" Axel said and looked at Kai before moving inside their room. He eyed Kai and Miles who was sitting on bed with a weary look before saying,

"I got a job. I'll be moving out by the end of next week."

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