Chapter 10

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(18th October 2026)

It was about a week after Mrs. June visited and the tension present in their house was increasing by the minute. After Axel admitted that Victor died a couple of years after he moved, everyone present in that room were shocked is a way to put it in. They questioned him if he was alone all this time, without anyone to help him, take care of him, he just shrugged it off saying that he was fine by himself.

Not a single person believed him.

When they started pressing more on that topic, Axel just snapped at them before leaving to his room and in the past week, Kai and Miles didn't see him come down even for dinner. But he did seem to come down to eat after considering that all the extra food in the fridge after dinner is always completed by morning. He had breakfast and lunch after they left for work and he tried to get home late, after they fell asleep. To say that Kai and Miles were confused made sense because they didn't realize what they said wrong that resulted in him snapping at them.

They figured that his uncle was a sensitive topic but they didn't get why he was trying so hard to avoid them. They had so many unanswered questions. Like why did Axel come back if his uncle died? Why did he not tell them about Victor's death? What was the missing puzzle piece in his past that has made such a huge difference in how Axel behaved? Was Victor's death the only reason Axel changed so such? Did they have a part in Axel's suffering? And most importantly, what did Mrs. June and Axel talk in the kitchen? Their curiosity and genuine concern was eating them alive but because Axel was avoiding them, they had no way to get answers.

Therefore, Axel's plan to avoid their questions as well as them succeeded. He avoided them only because he wasn't ready to answer their questions about the part of his past he didn't tell them. He knew they had questions. Anyone would when they weren't told something entirely. Though he wanted to apologize to Mrs. June for his behavior, he didn't have her number and for sure he didn't want to go ask Kai or Miles for it.

This supposedly succeeding plan came to a halt because today is Sunday and he didn't find a way he could avoid them. He needs to eat to live and for that, he needs to come out of his room. He already skipped breakfast and was pretty hungry so there was no way he'd skip lunch too. Once it was lunch time, he slowly climbed down the stairs and entered into the living room where both Kai and Miles who were talking in hushed whispers suddenly stopped murmuring and stared at Axel.

"Axel.... umm..." Kai mumbled not knowing what to say. He looked somewhat happy but confused, concerned and sad. Axel didn't say anything and sat on the opposite side of the couch staring at the TV.

"Axel we're very sorry if we said anything we shouldn't have said then. We're really sorry. But I just don't understand. You were so different. You were outgoing, flirting with everyone and always giving positive vibes. We were dating for god's sake and I noticed how much you changed since then. Now you barely talk. You're quite and sad and look like your life doesn't mean anything to you. Why? Is it because of Victor's death? If it was, you should've called us. Either one of us. We would have stayed with you. Helped you, get back on your legs. Then why did you decide to be quiet? Why did you not seek anyone for help? Please tell us the truth Axel." Miles straight ahead started asking questions, his desire to fill the missing gap aching in his insides, protesting to be let out.

Axel tensed, eyes stinging as he hears every word Miles said. He couldn't take it anymore. Lying to himself as well as everyone did him no good. "Axel..." Kai muttered his voice filled with doubt. It was obvious that Miles hit a delicate topic seeing that Axel teared up as soon as he heard the words but Kai didn't think he was ready to face the consequences. Which he was not.

"You want to know why I didn't tell anyone huh? Why I changed? Well, I moved from here all those years ago because I loved you. The both of you. I expected a happy and a healthy relationship between the three of us but guess what? That was broken before we even got into a relationship. I was so sad. That day I was going to confess my love to you, you made it the worst day in my life. I moved because I couldn't see you anymore. And then, Victor died. In one day, I had no one left. My only friend, gone. My boyfriend, gone. My one and only family, gone. Suddenly I had no one left. It hurt okay. I hoped for such a beautiful future but that turned into sleepless nights and endless breakdowns. I gave up on everything after that. How could I have told you about Victor's death. You would just see me with pity. I know you'll only pity me, not love me. But do you know why I came back? Because I still love you. Even now, after everything that happened, after I got know you're getting married, after you hurt me so bad, I still love you. I never stopped loving you and that hurts so much. I didn't try to break your marriage. Because I love you that much, I'm ready to sacrifice for your happiness. I'm really sorry. I understand if you don't want me to live here anymore but this is the truth. I can't change it." By the end o Axel's little speech, Kai and Miles stood shocked staring at Axel. The last few sentences were merely above a whisper and Axel had tears rolling down his cheeks. There, he admitted his love to them and now, he'll be all alone again. They'll leave him, kick him out and now, Axel regrets saying anything. Axel gets up to go to his room and his pack things when he felt a pair of warm lips connect his.

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