part 8

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SORRY! SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY! I told you I would update, and I am so sorry it has taken this long. But here you go the next part. It will not take as long for the ninth part. I AM SO SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND LOVE ME AGAIN PLEASE I'M SORRY BLEH. Basically. My computer has broken twice and I have been a completely crappy writer. And then Christmas and a whole bunch of shit. I AM SORRY. I hope you enjoy.


Tony sat on his be din shock. What the hell just happened? Did he lead Steve to think he wanted more than just sex. Why would Steve think that!? Tony had never had a real realstionship in his life, surely Capsicle was aware of his post antics as a playboy? He sighed to himself. Steve's one of my best friends. He told himself. I care for him, but hell if he thinks I'm chasing after him. Just let him cool down, then we can talk. He assured himself as he rubbed a hand through his hair and finally decided to go and shower. 

He stood and walked to his bathroom looking at himself in the mirror for the first time in nearly a week. "Oh, god.. Tony you let yourself go." He stated as he saw how he looked, his hair messy, dirt wiped over his face, his beard over grown. He immediately stripped and cautiously sniffed himself, grimacing. "Wow.. Ripe. Did I seriously just get sex like this?" He asked himself chuckling as he turned the shower on. "Still got it." He climbed under the hot stream, sighing as it touched his skin. His thoughts darted back to Steve and he sighed, he'd fucked up again. Question is; how will he fix it?


Steve ran from Tony's room and straight past the elevator heading straight for the stairs. How could you have been so stupid!? He asked himself as he an full perl down the stairs, his eyes beginning to well as he ran out the door, in just his jeans. How could you fall for Tony 'Playboy' Stark!? You moron! His mind screamed at him now running down the road to get away from Stark Tower. He pulled on his plain white shirt as he ran, needing to let his emotions out. I will not cry over Tony. I won't do it. He told himself as his running got faster. Stebe's mind was racing with thoughts, all of which were about Tony and himself being stupid. He knew he would get hurt. I shouldn't even have  feelings for men at all! It's not normal, and god this is Bucky all over again! Steve was utterly confused as he ran and ran, having no idea where he was going. He hadn't realised he'd ran so fast and so far he'd ended up back in Brooklyn. His home. The one place he wanted to be. 

He stopped and looked around his chest rising and falling with every deep pant he took. He was close to his old neighbourhood, it wasn't far from here. I wonder if my old place is still here? He pondered trying to take his mind off Tony as he walked off. He looked down to the ground, his thoughts still racing as he walked on. He sighed to himself as he turned the corner on to his old neighbourhood. Not much had changed. Some of the buildings were different now, but all in all, it was the same routes, a few of his shortcuts had been built on so he had to find his way around a bit more. But he was soon there. Standing outside his old place. It was still there, exactly how he remembered it. It looked abandoned now though. 

He stood outside just watching it for a while before walking inside, it was dark and dusty inside and Steve got caught in a cobweb making him swipe around him. Once he'd got it off he continued walking, up the stairs and to his old apartment. It was a one room apartment, shared bathroom and kitchen, but no one else lived here when he did.. So it wasn't exactly shared. Just him and Bucky. He reached for the handle, soon finding out it was locked. He sighed and stepped back kicking at the handle, knocking the door off its hinges completely. He frowned and walked inside looking around. His old couch was still there. In the middle of the room, he smiled a little and walked over sitting on it. 

A Iron Heart for a Captain; A Stony fan-fiction.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora