Part 3

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Hey guys, sorry its taken a while to upload. Got jack all internet because I'm moving.. So stealing Starbucks internet rn. <3 


Steve held Pepper in his arms, she was stiff at first but she had soon relaxed in to his arms and clung to his broad shoulders. He sighed and held her close. “Don’t worry, Miss Potts, I’m sure Tony is fine. Maybe he just needed some time to work on a secret project?” He offered hoping it would cheer her up... It didn’t.
Pepper frowned and looked up to him. “Secret project? Captain I’m his P.A, I know about all his secret projects, I have access to everything.” She snapped at him before sighing and apologising. “Sorry... I just- I don’t know what to do.”
“I understand, Miss Potts, there is no need to apologise. You simply care for a very good friend, as do I..” Steve swallowed and paused for a moment, his thought’s wondering.
Friend? Y-yeah; friend. Tony was a friend. Nothing more. Never will be. The billionaire, playboy had more options, better ones. Its never going to happen. No matter how much you want it, Steve...
Steve’s face fell as he thought and Pepper noticed, “Captain? Everything okay?” With that Steve snapped out of his thoughts with a “Hmm? Oh yes, fine... Sorry.” He felt a little embarrassed and heat rose to his cheeks, but soon faded as he heard a noise from downstairs. The lab, to be exact.
Oh god. What was that? Sounded like something breaking... Is Tony okay!? Steve’s thought’s raced on as he stood and Pepper grabbed his arm. “Not yet.” Steve froze at her touch and he gawked at her as she spoke. “But he could be injured!?” He stated, feeling his loyalty to Tony, needing to go and check on him and make sure he was safe.
Pepper frowned. “He’s fine, if you go down now, he’ll ignore you, no matter what strength you use, Steve...’ Steve continued to gawk at her, that was the first time Pepper had ever called him Steve and it shocked him a little. He soon composed himself and stood at ease, military style. “Miss Potts, I would simply like to check he’s okay... Make sure he has not hurt himself or anything else in any way.”
Pepper hated his persistence, at least he cared. No one else seemed to, apart from her. She let out a sigh and slumped back in the chair, her posture showing she was drained and upset compared to her usual upright and ladylike posture. Steve frowned watching her as she spoke “Jarvis, is Tony okay? And give me the honest answer, Jarvis...” The English accent that came from nowhere appeared once more and Steve looked round, still a little confused by it. “I assume you mean; Has he hurt or harmed himself in anyway, miss? If this is the case, no. Mr Stark has not injured himself in anyway.”
Steve almost chuckled at Jarvis’ sass as Pepper let out a sigh and nodded. “Thank you, Jarvis... Keep me updated on what he does.”
“Miss, I have checked Mr Stark’s vitals and he is very weak. I have given him a shot to boost his energy, but miss, he needs to eat, drink and sleep. His body cannot keep up with his work.” “Yes, Jarvis, I’m quite aware and if you have any idea’s to get your stubborn boss to eat, sleep and drink, I’d love to hear it...” Pepper snapped once more and Steve stood silently waiting for a reply that never came.
“I think he got scared of you...” He stated and looked to Pepper who just sighed and rubbed her eyes in response. “Miss Potts, maybe you should go home and rest. You look exhausted. I can look after Tony for you, I will call you and keep you updated. Just please, go home and rest. Stop worrying about Tony, he will be fine. I assure you.”
She nods slowly. “I know, I just want him to come out and eat, shower and sleep. Just so I know he’s safe.” Steve nods his agreement and kneels down to her level. “Go home, Miss Potts. I will take it from here.”
“A-are you sure? I mean, Tony can be picky. And fussy, like he doesn’t like to be handed things. So don’t hand him things. And he takes his coffee black, no sugar with and extra shot of espresso. And never touch his cars, he’s picky about his cars... And-“ With that Steve cut her off with a hand over her mouth. “I understand, Miss Potts, Tony is incredibly fussy and I am sure Jarvis will tell me everything I need to know.”
Pepper nodded with Steve’s hand still over her mouth, he slowly drew his hand away and smiled at her. Steve stood up and helped Pepper up, pushing her gently towards the door. “Go home and relax. Take the day off, cancel all meetings and business calls. Just go home.” She walked to the door, not struggling to stay behind and nodded as she reached it turning back to him.
“Will you call me if anything happens?” Steve swiftly nodded. “And if he needs me?” “I will call. Now stop worrying, and get.” He pointed to the door. Steve was never usually this pushy or rude. But he knew he was doing it for the right reasons. Pepper needed to relax and he needed to get Tony out of that lab.
Pepper nodded and quickly moved away and out to her car, driving away. Steve closed the door turned round and sighed.
“Now for the hard part...” He said out loud before walking towards the stairs. 

A Iron Heart for a Captain; A Stony fan-fiction.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang