Part 4

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Hey guys, thanks for all the reads. <3 

Enjoy this part.


Part 4

Steve walked towards the stairs that lead to Tony’s lab. They were surrounded by glass panels, tinted so you couldn’t see inside as Tony worked. Steve stopped at the top taking a breath. Tony will listen, he’ll talk to me. He’ll come upstairs and rest. He assured himself knowing for a fact that Tony Stark wouldn’t listen to anyone, especially when it came to Tony’s health.

Steve stood there for a moment contemplating what would happen. He could try and fight me? Or worse completely ignore me? He may not even recognise the fact I’m there. What if he tries to shoot me? I don’t have my shield. Would he try and shoot me? Why won’t he come out? What’s happened to make him stay down there? Steve’s thoughts ran wild before he let out a little growl ‘Get it together, Steve!’ He stated out loud to himself.

He sighed and composed himself before walking purposefully down the stairs, standing tall as the Captain does and stopped at the door, he didn’t do anything for a moment, before leaning against the glass, hands cupped around his eyes to try and see inside. Nothing. Why did Tony have to be a genius? He asked himself. Why couldn’t he just be a normal guy, who didn’t know how to block the world out?

He rubbed his eyes and looked around at nothing “Erm... Jarvis? A-are you there?” The British accent suddenly came from no where once more. “Yes, sir... I am here. How may I help?” He asked politely, something about it still seemed weird. He thought to himself. Why a British accent? Steve quickly shook the thought away and asked back, just as politely. “Can you open the door? I don’t know the code.” Steve’s eyes fell on the see through pad with numbers on. Wow, technology... It’s see through. How is that even possible? He asked himself as Jarvis replied “Of course, sir... I will over ride the lock now.” With that the door hissed and slid open, leaving Steve stood in the doorway, utterly astounded.

Ahead of him was Tony’s lab. He’d never really seen it before. Tony had never let him further than the door, he was always meticulous about who he let through. Steve assumed Tony trusted him, just not that much. Not yet anyway. But that didn’t matter right now. All Steve could think was Wow as he stared on in absolute awe.

 Tony’s lab was huge, mainly metal and incredibly shiny for somewhere that had so many cars and tools. Steve could see flying diagrams and numbers, all alight and flowing. He could see cars, lots of cars. Incredible cars, in mint condition on one side of the room, all with Tony’s initials printed on the door, which made Steve chuckle a little. Stark’s ego... Always manages to fit somewhere. He thought as he continued to look around, turning his head to see 7 different Iron Man suits all in individual glass cases. He has that many suits? Was the first thing that ran through Steve’s mind before he thought. Tony must have a million things guarding those, I’d hate to see the poor soul who tries to break into those and live to tell the tale. Tony would destroy him.  

He shook his head as he took a step inside and looked around more, seeing Tony’s desk and the tools spread throughout the place, even along the floor. Maybe Tony needed to clean up a little... He could see a bundle of wire’s and different objects placed on the floor not far from Tony’s desk. He noted that Tony had open what looked like a picture of a generator. That looks familiar... He almost walked closer before remembering the reason he was here. Tony. Find Tony. He told him before looking around once more.

 On the far end of the room there was 2 very large double doors that reached the ceiling, clearly somewhere where Steve wasn’t allowed to go. I wonder what’s in there. He thought thinking of the different things Tony had done and realised he couldn’t possibly figure it out, so instead he continued to look around. He saw a digital trash can at the far end of the room and Steve’s brows furrowed. Why would you want a digital trash can? With that a small ball of light came flying past his head, making Steve flinch a little before it landed in the can with a swift bell noise and Steve rolled his eyes. Of course, he’s Tony Stark. That’s why. He told himself and turned to look in the direction of where the ball of light came from.

Which, is when he saw Tony. Steve’s face fell, all the awe from seeing the lab and the little hints of Tony throughout the place fell from Steve’s mind as he gazed at the man. Tony clearly hadn’t seen Steve yet. He was turned away a certain amount, but Steve could still see the overgrown goatie, the bags under his eyes, his usually perfectly styled messy hair now completely greasy and just generally a mess. Steve looked closer and saw that Tony had a cuts and bruises up his arms, he was covered in soot and grease, his clothes were torn and dirty.

Steve stood for a moment in utter shock. He’d never seen Tony like this. He was always in fresh clothes, perfectly styled and ready for anything. This? This wasn’t Tony.

He thought for a moment. Pepper wasn’t joking. What should I do? His thought’s when blank before he cleared his throat making Tony jump and spin quickly. Steve saw him properly now, his eyes. They were blood shot and puffy. Tony was hurting, he was sad and Steve had no idea what to do. All he knew is that he wanted to fix it.

He stepped closer and kept his eyes on Tony. Tony avoiding his gaze and turns back to his work. They stood in silence for a moment before Steve heard Tony whisper. “Jarvis, hide it...” with that a diagram that Steve hadn’t noticed disappeared and suddenly he became suspicious.

“Yes, Capsicle?” Tony’s voice was croaky and sounded hoarse, like he hadn’t spoken in days. He still didn’t turn to look at Steve.

“Can we talk?” Steve asked simply, not wanting to make Tony uncomfortable but knowing if he didn’t take the option, Steve would take matters into his own hands. “No.” Tony stated as he continued to work. Atleast he’s talking. Steve thought but he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
He sighed. Fine, let’s do this the hard way... He thought as he walked over to Tony and threw him over his shoulder. “Your choice...” 

A Iron Heart for a Captain; A Stony fan-fiction.Where stories live. Discover now