Part 2

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Hey guys, you won't get an upload for a while because I won't have internet as I'm moving tomorrow. So I'd thought I'd give you a second part to it (: 

VOTE, comment and fan and I'll love you forever :D


Steve was at the Avenger mansion, working out as he usually did on Monday morning. He’d been there for 2 hours, attacking the punching bag in front of him. He’d already broken 2 this morning... He was on the third and it was slowly tearing as he attacked it. He needed to speak to Tony about reinforcing them like he did the clip. At least he didn’t knock them off the hook now.
Wait. Tony... I haven’t heard from him in a while... Tony and Steve had become quite close lately. They’d been hanging out more and enjoying each other’s company. He hadn’t fought with Tony in ages either, which was rare.
They never agreed on much, Tony was still the annoying playboy he’d hated when they first met, but as time went on, he got to know the real Tony. The sarcastic Tony,  who was egotistical but kind. He’d even bought Steve and iPhone... Steve was still getting used to that.
He’d got to know the Tony, who actually wanted to help the world, but still didn’t class himself as a hero. That was one thing they always managed to argue over, when Tony tried to save others by sacrificing himself.  Steve hated the thought of not having Tony around, sometimes a little too much. He felt scared. Scared that Tony would hurt himself one day and Steve would be alone once more.
Steve shook his head and tried to change his thoughts as he continues to attack the punching bag. Tony hasn’t text or phoned, he usually would. Just to see if I was okay... Maybe I should text him. Just to check? Steve thought as his phone rang and he was brought out of his thoughts making him punch the bag in front of him, tearing it, his hand getting stuck for a moment in the padding of the punching bag.
He sighed and pulled out his hand, flicking the punching bag away and walking back to his gym bag, slowly undoing the bandages around his hand before picking up his phone. Miss Potts... That’s weird. Steve answered the phone and cleared his throat “Miss Potts, what a pleasant surprise, how are you?”
Pepper frowns “Not so pleasant actually Captain, Rogers... I need your help.’ Her voice sounded, scared? No... Worried. A frown instantly appeared on Steve’s face “Of course, Miss Potts. Anything, what’s wrong?” He asked in his polite tone. Steve always had manners even in the worst of times. Pepper sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Its Tony, he’s locked himself in the lab.”
Steve almost felt relieved. He knew that Tony did that often and would be out within a few days. He didn’t understand why Pepper sounded so worried. He let out a small chuckle. “Miss Potts, we both know Tony locks himself in that lab more than he should be allowed to.” “He’s been in there a week, Captain...” Pepper interrupted and Steve froze. A week! Tony’s been in the lab a week!
Steve snapped out of his shock and stuttered out “A-a week?” Pepper sighed and nodded on the other end of the phone. “Yes, Captain... A week. I’ve tried to convince him to come out and eat, he won’t. He hadn’t showered. He’s living of scotch and coffee and he looks...” She swallows. “...Broken.”
Steve’s loyal side came through. “I’ll be right over, Miss Potts...” He hung up and grabbed his gym bag, uncaring about the fact he was covered in sweat, his white shirt sticking to his abs and chest as he walked.
Steve’s new motorcycle was outside, another present from Tony, he slid on his brown leather jacket and his helmet before climbing on and driving off towards Stark Towers, his thoughts running wild.
Why would Tony lock himself away for a week? I understand a couple of days, usually Tony left things until last minute or just needed to get away from everyone and work. But a week!? This isn’t right. In the time I’ve known Tony he’d never done something like this. And by the sounds of Miss Pott’s, it wasn’t something he did often.
Steve stepped on it and began weaving his way through the New York traffic. It wasn’t like Steve to do this, but he was worried for his friend. Steve swallowed at his thought and made his way to Stark towers within 15 minutes. He jumped off his bike and ran towards the door and inside as Jarvis, the British accent Steve still didn’t understand, opened the door.
Pepper was waiting in the front room for him. Looking scared and terrified compared to her usual independent woman facade she had. He noticed that she had puffy eyes. She’d been crying. Steve couldn’t help himself when he moved closer and pulled her into his arms. 

A Iron Heart for a Captain; A Stony fan-fiction.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin