Sunday, The First Day of the Rest of Their Lives

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" was last night?"
"Last night was fine."
"Anything happen?" Hope asked curiously.
"Of course not." Crowley scoffed, rolling his eyes before turning his attention to the ice cream man. "Strawberry Lolly, vanilla chocolate top and vanilla with a flake please."

"How's the car?" Aziraphale asked, looking around cautiously.
"Not a scratch on it. How's the bookshop?"
"Not a smudge. Not a book burnt. Everything back just the way it was." He did another scan of the park. "Heard back from your people yet?"
"Nope. Heard back from yours?"

"Do you really think heaven and hell will come looking for you?"
"It's a high possibility." Crowley said turning to Hope and handing her a price of paper.
"What's this?"
"Don't read it just yet."
"Then when?"
"When you feel you must."

When they both looked back at Aziraphale...he was gone.
"Shit. Zira!" Hope called frantically looking around to see the angel being carted off, bound in tape and rope. They started running after his but was stopped by two other angels.
"Renegade Angels tied up with string..."
"...These are a few of our favorite things."
"You're both a disgrace to The Sound of Music." Hope muttered before hearing a thump behind them. "Crowley!" They rushed forward, trying to pull the demon to his feet but was quickly grabbed and dragged away by another demon.

"Stay out of this you disgusting reaper." A demon spat at them before making off with Crowley.
"Shit." They muttered, scrambling to their feet and looking around. "Now what? I can't go into heaven or hell so I can't help them..." They thought out load, suddenly feeling a pull to the piece of paper in their pocket. Cautiously, they in folded it and read the words written. "What a bunch of idiots." They smirked, pocketing the paper and pulling out their new phone. "Yes hi. I'd like to book a table for two please."


"Fucking brilliant!" Hope yelled in excitement.
"Hope. Good to see ya." The demon moved closer to Aziraphale giving them a place to sit.
"I'm so glad you two are okay. Had me scared to death for a second and I don't really want more of death in my existence." Hope sat down and crossed their legs. "What gave you the idea to do it anyway?"

The idea the ex-reaper referred to was that of the demon and angel swapping their bodies so they could both survive their executions.

"Agnus nutters last prophecy. Chose our faces wisely." Aziraphale stated, getting comfortable in his own body again.
"Well it was stupid but it worked."
"I asked for a rubber duck. And got Michael to miracle me up a bath towel." He stated, quite proud. Hope and Crowley let out a laugh, enjoying the image of a very confused angel handing over a towel to a demon.

"If you ask me, both sides are going to use this as breathing space before the big one."
"I thought that was the big one." Aziraphale pouted a little, clearly worried.
Crowley just shook his head. "Nah. They'll leave us alone, for a bit. But if you ask me the next one will be all of us against all of them."
"What? Heaven and hell against...humanity?"
"Would make sense..." Hope pondered, looking around. "Oh. You two better get going."

"Pardon?" Crowley looked at them, confused.
"You two have a lunch reservation at the Ritz in 40 minutes. Enjoy."
"Hope...for the last time, we arn't..."
"Ah. Before you get mad, wasn't my decision."Hope nodded towards the angel. "Zira asked me to set it up for the two of you. Now enjoy!"

The demon looked at Hope then at Aziraphale kind of confused. Hope smiled at them before giving Aziraphale a que to ask.
"Oh right...Crowley. Would you like to join me for lunch." He asked, offering his hand.
"I..." Crowley looked at Hope for assistance before taking the Aziraphales hand.

"I would love to Angel."

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