Thursday, Two Days Till the End of the World

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"Ahh. My child. Long time no see. How is it going?" Before them, Death. As the first reaper, it is their job to make sure everything is good and on track, meaning they report straight to Death themselves.
"It's going just as good you could hope really. All souls present and accounted for. Armageddon lists completed and distributed to the reapers. We are ready father."
"Good...I was hoping to talk to you about something before you go."
"Yes. What's the matter?" The reaper asked, their hand getting a tighter grip on the clip board they were holding.

"Hopefully nothing. Some reapers have been reporting that you are being seen with an Angel and a Demon. What's that about?"
"Oh...those two. Nothing to worry about. I'm using them as a way to keep track of Armageddon, as well as to stay aware of heaven and hells plans. This helps me organize the reapers more and plan for any other possible outcomes. Like back 11 years ago when I found out about all those nuns dying by spying on a few demons. Those demons would have destroyed there souls if I didn't find out about that."
"Yes. I suppose that did help. Very well then. I'm proud of you. You are dismissed."

Then an idea came to the reapers head.
"The nuns. That's it!"

"Aziraphale! I have an idea!"
"Yes. What? What is it?" The Angel asked, slightly worried by the reapers sudden explosion out of reality and into his book shop.
"What if something went wrong at the baby swap 11 years ago. The nuns weren't exactly the brightest bunch so what if they gave the baby to the wrong set of parents?"
The angels eyes widened. "If that's the case then..."
"We can easily track down the child from the hospitals records. Yes!"

"The child has been lost but we still know the child's age. He's 11." Aziraphale explained as Crowley sped though London, weaving in between cars and pedestrians.
"You make it sound easy."
"Well it can't be that hard. Think about it. That hospital only have five delivery rooms. So at max , five people's records to look though for that night. Excluding the kid we already know to not be him, that's a maximum of four children the check." Hope explained.
"So, say we do find these records, how do we know if it's the right child?"
"The Hell hound. How many 11 year olds have their own dogs?"
"And then what?"
"Then we find the child."
"And then what?" The demon pushed again for an answer.

Aziraphale opened his mouth to answer just has Crowley careened past a women crossing the street. "Watch out for the pedestrian!"
"She's on the street. She knows the risk she's taking!"
"Just keep your eyes on the road. She's not on the list for another day. Can't go collecting souls before they aren't ready." The demon begrudgingly listened to the reapers instruction and looked at the road.

"Where is this hospital anyway?"
"A village near Oxford, Tadfield." Crowley answered before swerving around another pedestrian.
"Crowley, you can't do 90km per hour in central London!"
"Why not?"
"You'll get us killed. Or at least inconveniently discorporated."

"Zira. Calm down. Put on some music or something." Hope suggested.
"Right music. Um..." he started going though Crowley's glove box and pulling an array of disks. "What's a velvet underground?"
"You wouldn't like it."


"Um...are you sure this is the right place?" Aziraphale asked as the trio pulled up to an old brick building.
"Definitely looks like it, though it seems to have been converted." Hope said, noting the piles of crates, barrels and plastic camo netting. "Why? Whats the matter?"
"'s feels loved." The angel instantly relaxed and a small smile came across his face.
"What do you mean loved?" Crowley stuttered up to them.
"I mean the opposite of "I don't like this place. It feels spooky.""
"I don't ever say. I like spooky. Big spooky fan me. Let's go talk to some nuns."

"Oh. The nuns are gone. The order fell the night the anti christ was born."
"Then what use is this trip exactly?" Crowley asked, getting a bit agitated.
"It's a lead okay?" Hope grumbled, meeting the demons shaded eyes. "Do you have a better idea? Besides, some buildings keep things from there previous lives in storage rooms."

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