5 hours and 48 minutes to the End of the World

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Hope was at a loss. Everything they loved was about to die and the only two people they ever had called their friends were gone. But something didn't feel right to the reaper. They knew Aziraphale was hiding something. Being around someone for 6000, it's hard to not notice when they are acting off.
That's why when the angel returned from his walk with Gabriel and recent argument with Crowley on the steer just outside, the Reaper was there, having just discovered all the information he was hiding.

"Hope...what are you doing here?"
The reaper, completely destroyed by their discovery just sat on the back rest of the couch and stared at the wall of evidence.
"You had everything. His name, his address, his phone number...and yet you said nothing. This whole time and you said nothing." Try softly muttered in disbelief. "Crowley and I worked out asses off trying to find the boy and you knew where he was this whole time!"

"Well. Not the whole time. I only recently discovered it." He replied quietly, almost apologetic.
"Crowley is leaving."
"I know."
The reaper got up and looked the angel dead in the eyes. "I've lost everything Angel. First my best friends and soon my home. I can't forgive you." They finished, close to tears before opening up a rift and leaving the angel to his own demise.

"Hey Crowley. I found the anti...what in the holy hell is going on here?" Before them was something they didn't expect to see in 1000 years. A demon being melted by holy water from a bucket door trap. "That's what you wanted the holy water for."

The remaining demon continued to let out small screams one after the other as he gave a wide berth from his fallen brethren.
"Hope. You shouldn't be here." Crowley greeted them, not taking his eyes off of Hastur.
"Well I'm here now. Deal with his guy then we'll talk."

"That's...thats...that's...that's holy water. I can't believe even a demon would...holy water...that's..."
"Oh stop your yammering and hurry up. We have things to do." The reaper rolled their eyes in frustration and sat on the edge of Crowley's desk.
"You...you're the grim reaper from the surveillance photos." Hastur pointed his moldy finger towards them, accusingly.
"I guess I am."

Crowley lifted up a green spray bottle an pointed it at the other demon.
"You don't scare me Crowley." The demon spat.
"Do you know what this is? It's a plant mister. The cheapest and most efficient on the market. It can spray a fine line of water into the air. This ones filled with holy water. It's can turn you into that." Crowley threatened, gesturing to the melted pile of gunk and clothing in the doorway.

"You're bluffing."
"Maybe I am? Maybe I aren't? Tell me. Do you feel lucky?"
The other demon froze for a second before tilting his head. "Yes." Before anyone could tell what happened, the spray bottle exploded in Crowley's hands. It was just normal water. "Time to go Crowley."

Then...the phone rang.
"Keep an eye on him." Crowley asked the reaper, turning his attention to the phone.
"Gladly." They smirked, summoning their scythe and resting it over their shoulder.

A certain angels voice came from the phones answering machine before Crowley picked it up.
"Yeah. Now's not a good time. Got an old friend here." He placed the phone back on the receiver before turning to Hastur with an idea.

"Well. Congratulations. You've past the test. You're truly ready to start playing with the big boys."
Hastur looked a bit taken aback by the sudden change in tone.
"What? Your mad."
"The forces of Hell had to make sure you were trust worthy before we gave you command of the legions of the damned."
"You really expect to me believe this while there's a reaper in your house!"

"Who me? Didn't you know? Death has worked for Satan for thousands of years. We are technically honorary demons at this point. But you know...have to keep it secret so heaven doesn't find out. Only the higher up demons know about it." They chipped in, helping further the lie.
"Exactly. You know what that means. Hastur. Duke of hell you've made it!" Crowley announced triumphantly, standing on his chair now.
"Oh. I wouldn't expect you to believe us, now the dark council..." he produced a phone and started filing a number "let's see if they can convince you."

"You're calling the dark council?"
"Yes. I am. And they say SO LONG SUCKER!" And with that, Crowley let out a hiss, similar to that on a snake, and dismantled himself before disappeared into the phone line.
Hope chuckled, grabbing the phone mid air. "Oops."
Haster started to let out his annoying scream again, following Crowley into the phone.

Not to long after, the home phone started to ring and a certain demon started to materialize out of it. But the other didn't follow. Instead, the answering machine counter went up by one and a very annoyed voice started booming from the speaker.
"Good job!" The reaper offered their hand for a high five, which was accepted by Crowley, who high fives them back.

"Now. What is that you want?"
"I know where the boy is. Turns out Aziraphale had it this whole time and didn't tell us."
"Tadfield. Hogback lane. His name is Adam Young."
"Well then...let's go!" The demon grabbed the reapers hand and they both ran over to the car, speeding away.

They had almost made it out of the city before an uneasy feeling came over the both of them.
"Damn it..." The reaper hissed, burring their face in their hands.
"You felt it to?"
"Yeah. We can't leave Aziraphale can we? He might have kept the truth from us but it feels wrong to finish this without him. Besides, he did call and try to tell you back there..."
"Fine!" The demon groaned, turning the car around in one quick movement and raced towards the book shop.
"I'll go ahead. Try and convince him to come with us. See ya later." Hope waved goodbye before disappearing into a rift and emerging out in a familiar book shop.

"Oh...fuck!" A bright light lit up the book shop right as the demon arrived in it, but it wasn't from the rift. In the centre of the book shop was a prayer circle, and hovering above it was a certain angel.
"Aziraphale!" They ran forward but it was to late. The angels body exploded and the light faded. "Shit!" They hissed before turning to the old man next to them. "What did you do!"

"My good madam. I just exorcised a demon!" He triumphantly announced.
"Oh great. You can see me to? The world really is going to shit." They groaned. "Look that man is the complete opposite of a demon. He's an Angel. Now leave before I remove your soul early!" The man stumbled backwards, knocking over a few candles on the floor as he did so.

He left hurriedly, leaving the reaper alone.
"Now what?" They mumbled to themselves, looking around, noticing that one of the candles had rolled over to a shelf and had started to light a copy of sound of music script on fire. "Oh come on!"
They quickly picked up the toppled candle and tried to stamp the flame out but the fire had already spread to the rest of the bookshelf.

Realizing their efforts were fruitless, Hope quickly started to run around the shop taking photos all the information they could on the anti-christ. Luckily, most of the informant was displayed on a giant cork board next to Aziraphales vintage writing desk. Before they knew it, the whole shop was ablaze.

"Aziraphale! Aziraphale where are you, you idiot!?"
"Crowley?" The reaper called, running out from a back room. "He's gone."
"What do you mean he's gone!?" The demon hissed, taking off his melting glasses.
"I mean he's been poofed. Deaded. Bodies gone. Some stupid geezer forced him into his pray circle and poof. Gone."

Crowley started looking around frantically before being hit with a high pressure blast from the fire fighters outside. The demon, not even stunned, sat up and started to yell. "Somebody killed my best friend!"
"Aziraphales going to be fine Crowley. He's just in heaven."
"And he's going to be stuck there for eternity now. He may as well be dead!"
The reaper sighed, picking up an ashy book and sitting down next to him on the charred floor.
"I know. But we have to focus on finding the anti-christ right now. If we stop him, Zira may be able to come back. Now let's go being the firefighters come in after us." They stood up, tucking the book under their arm, and lent their hand to the demon who took it, getting to his feet as well. "We got this. For Aziraphale."

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