11 Years Till the End of the World

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"Mind if I catch a ride?"
"Jesus Christ!" Crowley jumped, swerving his car out of the way of the truck heading right for them. "What are you doing here?"
"I had a soul to collect at Tadfield and I figured I could get a ride considering you are heading in that direction. Better then teleporting. Good timing as well. Looks like you were about to kill the child." Hope smiled, looking at the kid in the basket. "What are you doing with a human baby anyway?" She asked, letting the child hold onto her finger.

"It's not human?"
"What's do you mean it's not hu...oh" they snatched their finger back. "This soon?"
"Yes this soon."
"Well then...nice knowing you I guess." The reaper scooted away from the child's basket, kind of disgusted by it, and looked out the window. "I'm gonna miss this world."
"Well not much we can do about it now." The demon said as they pulled up the to hospital. Hope teleported out of the car while Crowley grabbed the baby and started walking towards the hospital door.

"Right well. Good luck I guess." They said before opening a rift and heading to Tadfield.

"You sure it was the anti-Christ?"
"I should know. I delivered the baby...well not delivered delivered but...handed it over." The demon clicked his tongue.

There in the park, sat the three beings. They have been best friends for thousands of years now, despite what their head offices said. Now with the coming of the end times, that relationship was at risk.

"An American diplomat. Really? As if Armageddon where a cinematic show you wish to sell in as many countries as possible."
"Agreed. So many better options. Hell. In this day and age a celebrities child probably would have been better." The reaper agreed, crossing their legs on the park bench and resting their chin in their hand.
"We will win you know. Heaven will finally triumph over hell. It all going to be rather lovely." The Angel said quite proper.
"Out of interest, how many first class composers do you lot have. Cause Mozarts one of ours. Beethoven...um...Schubert, all of the Bach's..."
"And may I remind you who brought you those souls?"
"And we are very grateful." The demon gave the reaper a smile.

There was silence Hmong at the group for a few seconds.

"This all sounds great for you guys but in case you haven't noticed, us reapers don't really have a place after Armageddon. At least you guys have an idea of what's going to happen to you but us..."
"I'm sure heaven will take good care of you guys." Crowley reassured his friend.

"Yeah. Or, they get rid of us because death is no longer a thing." They stood up and started to leave the park, the demon and Angel following them. "We've only got 11 years then it's all over. And I don't know about you two but I don't exactly want to cease existing. I love this world. It's my home."
"What do you suggest?" The Angel asks, fiddling with his fingers, nervous but also intrigued.
"We work together. Stop Armageddon before it gets worse." They stated firmly.
The angel twisted its head around uncomfortably before stating a resounding no.

"It's the end of the world we are talking about Angel." Crowley butted in. "I say we try and do something."
"We can do something. Hope and I have been thinking up and idea for years now. It can work."
"No! I'm not interested."
"Sounds like your more trying to convince yourself Zira." The reaper smirked, crossing there arms and leaning against the car door.

Aziraphale stopped and turned to face them.
"Tell you what. Let's have lunch." Crowley offered. "I still owe you one from..."
"Paris. 1793."
"Ah. Yes the great revolution. That was a fun time." The reaper reminisced, hands in pockets.
"Was that one of ours or one of yours?" The demon asked, pushing past the police offer writing up a ticket and getting in the drivers seat.
"You know..." The Angel got in the passenger seat. "...I can't quite recall."
The reaper followed suit and teleported into the centre back passenger seat. "From memory it was actually the humans that thought of that one. Crowley just took credit for it."
"We had crepes." Aziraphale reminisced before the Bentley shot out from its parking spot towards the Ritz, a fancy restaurant in the middle of London.

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