Grown up talk

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"Now that I've calmed down, I'm feeling thirsty."
There should've been a few vending machines on the first level, so I decided to head there. But as I approached, I found an odd three-person group: Chabashira-sensei; the Class B homeroom teacher, Hoshinomiya-sensei; and Mashima-sensei from Class A.The teachers were relaxing on the sofa.
 The area wasn't technically off limits to students, but since things like izakaya and bars weren't open to us,no one came around. I'd taken this route just for a change of scene, but had stumbled onto an opportunity. I hid myself and drew nearer.

"So this will be a conversation between the teachers? Interesting." Kanzaki says. It was revealing in a sense. Helped me see how much Hoshinomiya-sensei was interested in me.

"It looks like a nice change of pace. But why is it shown? It must have something to do with you then Ayanaokouji-kun." Ichinose asks. She must have realised in the ship, that Hoshinoiya-sensei sent her to the rabbit group to observe me or had an inkling of it. She is a capable person after all. I nod.

"Why are you even staying Ayanokouji-kun?" Asks Matsushita. I was curious.

"As you know, there was a situation with Chabashira-sensei and I. I wanted to know how she acts around other people and maybe get some clues if her story was a lie or not."A natural answer. It is liberating in a sense, to not pretend that I am average. I do not have to dumb myself down. I wanted to be ordinary, but there were negatives to that too.
Matsushita looks like she is still kind of curious, but I already told them about my past and they saw me explain my plan. Maybe she is just curious? Or is there another agenda? Who knows. I will have to see.

"You know, it's been a long time since the three of us all got together."

"It is what it is. Fate. After bouncing around from one thing to the next,we all chose the teacher's life."

"Enough. There's no point talking about that."

"Ah, that reminds me. You were on a date the other day, weren't you?You've got a new girlfriend, huh? Mashima-kun, you're quite the playboy.And here I'd thought you were the quiet, unsociable type."

"Chie, what happened to the man you were with?"

"Ah ha ha! We broke up two weeks ago. I'm the type of girl who breaks it off once the relationship starts getting serious. It's just like, see ya later!" Hoshinomiya-sensei said.

"That's what you'd usually hear from the guy."

"This is a bit awkward. I did not want to know about our sensei's love life."Comments Keisei. I agree, but I had to sit through this to get some interesting information. Students nod.

"Ah, but I'd never do that to you, Mashima-kun. You're my best friend,after all. I'd hate to ruin our friendship."

"Relax. I'm not worried about that."

"What a shocker."Hoshinomiya-sensei poured whiskey into an empty glass. She downed it in one gulp. Must've been a drinker. On the other hand, Chabashira-sensei sipped her drink like a cocktail.

Ichinose's class just look down in embarrassment, some chuckle. It looks like this behaviour is typical for her. It is not really a surprise.

"What are you planning, Chie?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? What'd I do?"

"It's customary to place all of the class representatives into the Dragon group, isn't it?"

"I'm not screwing around or anything. It's certainly true that as far as grades and attitude are concerned, Ichinose-san is number one. However,someone's true place in society cannot be measured by numbers alone. I determined that she needed a challenge. And besides, rabbits are just so cute,aren't they? The way they hop around. Doesn't that suit Ichinose-san?"Hoshinomiya-sensei asked.

Classroom of the elite: The upheaval of my ordinary life(Reaction)Where stories live. Discover now