Operation Delta

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What should a man aim for in life? If you asked men from all over the world, you'd probably see a pattern emerge: find a partner and make love, produce offspring, raise those offspring. Amusement parks, movies, and video games are all very well. However, the plethora of entertainment options available to us these days is just a blip in the grand scheme of human history.

Oh, this will be bad.  It feels like I am saying this every time we see something new at this point. Not bad for me though. The only problem would be if Sudo gets expelled for this. He is the only one really valuable from the group and the one I am closest to, even if he can be unreasonable at times. I will not do anything about this though. This is a very good way to completely restore my reputation with the school body. To defend them would be counterproductive.

"Your thoughts are kind of depressing Kyiotaka." Says Akito. 

"Not really, even if what is happening means nothing in humanity's history, these moments we spend doing what we want are precious to us and that is all that matters in the end. I just like to look at things from a larger perspective sometimes." I say. 

Akito just shrugs. 

That is my opinion of things. If my thoughts were different I would have not gone to this school. I would have been in the white room, pushing the limits of humanity forward, but since I wanted to do things for my own gain, I left and I do not regret any moment of it. Even now, I am living through something not recorded anywhere. My thoughts were recorded and broadcasted like this by another being. It is truly wonderful, even if it is a little annoying. 

Nearly all living beings have sought to pass the torch on to the next generation since ancient times. However, young high school boys have no understanding of what it means to bring forth the next generation. Instead, they simply seek any immediate available sexual gratification.

The sudden shift threw everyone for a loop. 

"Now then, I'd like to hold a strategy meeting regarding OperationDelta."

The faces of people in the know blanched. All of them started sweating. Everyone else turned even more confused. What do my thoughts have anything to do with some kind of plan? 

Sudo looks like he is trying to stand up and go to the screen. Ike looks even more nervous and the professor starts shaking a bit. From what I can see he can stand up a bit more. Some people notice him and are looking in his direction. 

"Is there any way to turn this off? Something really embarrassing is going to happen, haha!" Ike says and finished off in a nervous laugh. 

The students turn even more confused. Some are connecting the dots. Sexual gratification, an operation, Ike's and Sudo's nervousness. Those are enough signs to know that something weird will happen. Ike's hopes are dashed as nothing appears on the screen. 

"We have been listening to Ayanokouji-Kun's thoughts the whole time and saw really private moments. Why would this event be special?" Questions Satou. 

They do not answer. Sudo stops trying to stand up and Ike just stays quiet. It looks like they are defeated even before the real battle starts. The fact that Sudo can get up a bit more each attempt is curious. So that last time was not an attempt at a weird joke, with time the room has less control or maybe it is just being careless. It can still quiet us down easily enough. 

Ike, from Class D, knelt on the floor. He used his clenched fist to wipe the sweat that began to trickle down his forehead. 

"I'd lay my life on the line for Operation Delta. Haruki, how about you?"

Classroom of the elite: The upheaval of my ordinary life(Reaction)Where stories live. Discover now