Uncovering of true suffering

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After I confirmed that Manabe and her friends were gone, I entered the room. Karuizawa should've heard the door open, but she continued to cower and cry on the ground. Perhaps she didn't notice me coming in because she was so overcome by fear. So this was how the leader of the girls, so arrogant and headstrong, really was?

A rage starts seeping into students' hearts. What Manabe's group did before was nothing to what we are seeing now. Kei's friends especially look enraged. Like an angry wave, they let loose.

"What the hell is wrong with you! All this because she pushed some girl? How are you not expelled? In fact, that's what will happen after we leave this place. With the number of students who will agree with Kei, when she puts a complaint to the school, your chances of staying here are nill. Enjoy the time you have left. Disgusting freaks!" Screams Satou. 

Everyone is glaring at them, the pressure is too much for them and they start sobbing and mumbling apologies. Looks pass between people, most people seem to have agreed with Satou's proposal. Ryuuen's class excluded. While angry at their behavior, the point penalty would be too much. Still, I think they will not try anything if a complaint is lodged. 

The only reason they stayed before was Kei not wanting to publicize the event. Now, she will take a pound of flesh as payment for their actions.

Kei looks angry, remembering the state she was brought to. The difference between the person in the past and now is like night and day. Before she would have been scared that people know about this, now only righteous indignation remains. 

Looking at the person next to me and remembering what I orchestrated to happen, a feeling of regret washes over me. In the end, my methods had a good outcome, but what I made happen was horrible. I will make this up to her, and thank her eternally for getting me to feel something akin to regret. 

Never again will I let anything happen to you. This I vow. For the love, you are giving me and what it makes me feel towards you, not a hair will be harmed on your head. 

Perhaps thanks to the advice I'd given to Manabe and her friends, Karuizawa's uniform and the parts of her body that you could normally see appeared undamaged.

Because of these words, people look at me. This will be difficult to deal with and the worst part has not even been shown yet.

"Kyiotaka, did you arrange the bullying?" Yosuke asks me. Face scrunched up in concentration. He is giving me a chance to explain myself before he makes up his mind. The energy in the room is intensifying. The only thing I can do now is...

"The only thing I did was make sure that what happened would not be public knowledge. I knew that something like this would happen, so the only thing I could do was mitigate the pain Kei would experience. If this got out, it would have been way worse for Kei. You understand what she feared the most, no? With this, no one knew about it and I had definitive proof that it happened so I made the bullying stop."

 I can make the best out of a bad situation. I can't stay quiet with him directly asking me about it and if I snubbed Yosuke the situation would have spiraled out of control. I can only paint my actions in the best possible light, even if what comes out is the darkest shade of gray. I arranged to bully, even if it was to stop it. The outcome while good, only happened because of a morally bad event. 

It does not really matter now, next to me Kei is nodding at what I said. With her continued support and my personal history, the student's reaction to what I said is only discontent. They are not happy with my actions, but Kei herself is not angry at me, so they can not do much. 
But the anger is building, I can feel it. There is nothing I can do to stop it. I do not mind though. I went through worse.

The only thing to do is minimize the damage after everything is done. 

If her uniform had been ripped, or if they'd cut her hair, it would've been difficult for the Class C girls to go unpunished. While bullying is common, our school's unique setup made bullying much more difficult to get away with. If anything might have been a cause for concern, it was her cheeks, reddened from being slapped over and over. The marks would fade by tomorrow, though.

"Karuizawa."When I called her, she finally noticed me. She lifted her head.

"Why are..." she stammered. I wasn't supposed to be here. She panicked at being seen like that,
but couldn't just stop crying and act as though nothing had happened. She would eventually stop crying. She would eventually calm down. If I left right now, what I wanted to happen wouldn't take place.

Classroom of the elite: The upheaval of my ordinary life(Reaction)Where stories live. Discover now