Horikita Manabu is persistent

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"It's so hot. It's so hot, I feel like I could die..."

People just look at me bemused. 

It's not like I had the chance to acclimate myself to the summer before. 

The next day, I parked myself at the crossroads connecting the paths to the various dorms, choosing a spot under the trees that lined the road. The crossroads were unavoidable if you wanted to meet up with a senior student. They also intersected with the path to the Keyaki Mall and the school building. No matter where Katsuragi decided to go, I wouldn't miss him.

"So you were looking for me then?" Katsuragi asks, a bit confused. 

"My friends saw you buying a present and pressured me into finding out what it was about," I answer. 

"How is it anyone's business who I buy presents for?" 

"It really isn't, I apologize if I breached your privacy too much," I say. 

Societal etiquette demands an apology. It really was no one's business. 

"Well, you helped me out in the end Ayanokouji-san. No harm was done." He answers me. 

That is good. Katsuragi is a nice enough person, I don't want him to dislike me over this. 

Questioning glances are thrown our way, but people understand by now that such things are likely to be shown anyway.

It would've been better to wait in the cool lobby, but unfortunately, some girls from another class had decided to get together and have tea there. Discovering that had felt like entering a restaurant and finding no spots readily available. I wasn't confident enough to try to slip into the lobby, then sit down and relax when a seat opened up. Of course, all the students were dressed casually.

That made me think of Katsuragi yesterday, still wearing his uniform. No rule stated that you couldn't wear your uniform over summer vacation, but even if you don't care much about fashion, the uniforms did get extremely hot. Katsuragi had even worn the long-sleeved uniform shirt, rather than the short-sleeved summer one.

Some can't hold themselves back.

"So why are you wearing the school uniform Katsuragi-san?" Asks Hiyori.

"I wanted to meet the student council for something." He answers. 

Some people's curiosity is peaked. 

But this isn't about that. I wonder what will Nagumo say about this? I got offered the same position he had. All I know is that he will be annoying. 

I need to start thinking what to do about him.  WIth Manabu's goading and this, he will not let me be. The question is, how do I fight a person who controls a whole year of students and can influence how the special exams are made. 

If I were to win this next exam, I would be in a comfortable position. The protection point and having Koenji help out in other exams would alleviate pressure.

I could have Awasama and I group. With Awamasa's assistance, 1st place would be almost a guarantee if we were to go full force. The only wrench would be Tsukishiro panicking and taking drastic measures after he realizes that we teamed up.

I could also go completely solo, but that gives a certain amount of risk. The bounty on me, Nagumo, and Tsukishiro. These factors could wear me out. After that, first place would not be secure. Especially if Nagumo uses his control over the year to constantly obstruct me. I am still confident I could do it, but it makes the ordeal more difficult. I also need to take Koenji's own abilities into account. 

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