Chapter Three

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Despite all the commotion outside, everyone inside was unaware and dancing the night away. In a mere hours, more excitement has bombarded my life than in my entire existence in this world, or likely the next.

Cole didn't seem phased. 

He looked angry as all hell but not bothered by the, dare I guess, common events of the evening. He was looking at my shoulder, where the knife hung on the teetering zone of falling out or sliding back into the hole it created. I knew I could easily just take it out, rub some alcohol on it, tie it off with my shirt, and then call it a night but the boys insisted on going to the hospital to get it checked out.

My father would be bellowing with laughter at their worry right now.

Just as Cole said, the ambulance and police showed up, and I panicked at the sight. Never before have I had to deal with the cops and now I had to ride in an ambulance for the first time!     

This all felt dramatized.

I inwardly groaned, but stood from the stool to go outside with the brothers flanked on my sides. All the while, I was thankful that they got Nelly a taxi home when going to look for me. Just so she didn't worry, I texted her that I was safe at home resting because I had too much to drink and forgot to tell her earlier. She believed the smooth lie and thanked me for the night out; making me promise her another one.

What a lovely first date, is all I could think of this night. My thoughts were laced with sarcasm.

They're going to think I'm a troublemaker. How did they know I didn't steal the jacket while I 'went to the restroom'?

"Cole," Nico's voice brought me back to reality where I stood outside of the ambulance. A gentle hand found the small of my back and pulled me in tightly. While he spoke to his brother, he stared into my eyes, "You're going with her to the hospital. Bring her back to us in one piece, please. I'll stay behind with the police. As much as I would rather be beside you."

The last part was meant for me, so Cole stepped up into the ambulance to give us a minute. A second, somehow gentler hand, rested on my cheek where bruising and swelling already began.

"This is not how I pictured this night going." He groaned the words out.

Within me, buried deep, must be another person who I have no control over because she daringly whispered, "How did you picture the night, Nico?"

The way this mystery woman within me seductively whispered his name even gave me chills. I couldn't imagine what it did to the man in front me. If it even had an impact on him... Oh, it did. I felt the impact growing; it nudged my upper thigh and caused a flurry of emotions to run through me before I pushed the seductive woman in me down, back where she belonged, and took a step away from him.

Leaving his hard-on on display for everyone present.

"Sorry," I murmured the apology before taking Cole's hand and boarding the back of the ambulance. Nico nodded to us and helped the driver close the doors.

The EMT in the back was stabilizing the knife while Cole was texting away.

I felt like I needed to make one thing clear. "I never stole that jacket," I stated in defense.

Cole smiled up at me mid-text. "We know, Mia."

Is he physic? How does he know? 

He must've seen my blatant confusion, so he continued texting while he said, "The cops are with Nico now. Turns out the jacket was left behind by her and the bartender put it in lost and found for safe keeping. But she never came back for it. Crazy, band-junkie bitch." He barely murmured the last part at an audible level but I pieced together what he said.

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