Chapter Nineteen

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 "Go to the damn doctor tomorrow morning." Nico had been reprimanding me from the second I stepped into the house.

Office work went by quick; more interviews to find new people for the new project that was still undecided. I found out that it's difficult to hire people for a position that doesn't quite exist just yet. I tried not to dwell on it or else the stress would eat me alive. Tonight's dinner was enough to stress over.

Cole leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom and watched me wrap a bandage around my stomach and ribs which were covered in an assortment of dark purple and blue bruises. Nico continued to feed me the wrapping until there was none left to go around me. 

Guess that'd have to do.

I attempted to leave the bathroom to get changed but Cole shot his arm out to block me.

"I have to get dressed, we're already going to be late." My anger dwindled as I spoke. My eyes traveled up his body until I looked in his eyes that twinkled with mischief. "Cole?"

He cursed under his breath then let me pass. Of course, he had to make a perverted remark, "Say my name in that sweet voice of yours one more time and we'll be really fucking late. Understand?"

I think I understood all too well...

As I picked out my outfit for the night, the boys stood idly by and waited. The pressure was on. I knew that Nico already had some misconstrued ideas about my past with Graham so I couldn't pick anything too sexy and I couldn't wear something casual because of the atmosphere of the restaurant we were going to.

Decisions, decisions... Black dress with stockings, light jewelry, and ankle boots is what I settled on. Just cute enough without giving the boys any ideas; all three of the them, that is.

We were so late that Graham ended up walking to Bellini's, claiming the fresh air and exercise was good for him. I texted him to let him know that the three of us would be picking him up and that's when he replied that he would rather walk.

Awkward strike number one!

I inwardly groaned and thumped my head against the cool glass of the air conditioned car as we maneuvered around the back roads to avoid traffic. Only making us even more late.

Cole looked back at me to assess my state. He must've felt I needed some sort of cheering up because he asked, "Up for a round of Chinese Fire Drill?"

I looked into his mischievous eyes and fought the urge to give a witty remark. So I ground my teeth and gave him a firm, "No."

He shrugged off the rejection, "Looks like the woman abuser has you all riled up. I'm looking forward to meeting him."

The sarcasm was thick in his tone but I managed to remain calm. All I had to do was get through the night. Just one simple dinner.

It was a little after six when we strode into the restaurant, over an hour late, and Graham had just gotten there because of how long it took him to walk. He requested a table for four and by the time we met up with him, they were just walking him to the table. No introductions were made by the time we arrived at the table and in the uncomfortable silence, that's when I realized it was my job to introduce them.

"Ah, Graham..." I motioned to the boys who were already seated and staring at me intently, "Meet Nico and Cole." I made sure to point at the one whose name I said. Now that that's over, I eased back in my seat and hid my face with the huge menu that was nearly as lengthy as a Stephen King novel.

"Sup." Graham turned on his 'Mr. Cool' charm and it didn't take long before they were all conversing like normal beings.

We ordered. We drank. We laughed. This was good.

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