Chapter Eight

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How could I have been this dumb? Our worlds were separated by a rather thick line and it all comes down to experience. My world, before they were introduced to it, was minuscule compared to what they lived through.

I gave it a nice try though. 'A' for effort...

Even though I tried to scratch away at that thick line separating my life from theirs; it just couldn't be accomplished. What it came down to was them being absolute jackasses. A thoughtful human being would've just broken up with their significant other before cheating. Why even cheat? What's the point? If you're not happy, then leave the relationship. 

Nelly had a point... I didn't even know if they were cheating.

I'd contemplate that for a bit, but then the image of them touching her would roll into my thoughts and knock out any doubts I had.

Speaking of my friend, I had her on the phone right now. She was blabbering on about some guy. I should really be listening but I wasn't up for it.

"Mm hmm, yeah, I see." I mumbled the effortless words that signified I was listening. When the conversation became too dull for me to even comprehend, I had to break away, "Listen, I have to finish up some work and then we can talk about...?"

"Lincoln." She stated the guy's name in a monotone voice. Apparently she wasn't impressed with my listening skills.

"Lincoln, yeah, that's what I was going to say. We can talk about him tonight over drinks, sound good?"

"Sure. I get off at nine though, a bit late."

"It's the weekend; I could care less about the time!" I put on a facade just to make up for my bad friend skills. She liked to party, I could learn to like it too.

"Whatever you say." The tone didn't sound impressed but I'd prove her wrong.

As soon as we confirmed the details, I busted my butt to get my tasks done for today, and then I prepared for a night out. I even packed a bag to stay at her place in the event that I do drink more than I should. Which... I should. Who do I have to worry about other than myself?

Nelly would be happy that I planned ahead and packed a bag because my usual excuse for not drinking was that I wasn't prepared to stay over at her house. It was closer to downtown, within reasonable walking distance from a few bars. It just made sense to drink and crash there but I never wanted to get drunk. 

But not tonight.

I had to get those boys out of my head. Pretend that it was some experimental bump in the road to a better future. Something I had to clear out the way first.

Getting ready to go out now was different. I didn't put in nearly as much effort because I just didn't have to. The outfit I wanted to wear was already in my mind as I walked over to my closet to fetch it out: Dark skinny jeans, black shirt, and shoes. 

Nelly got out of work a little bit early and texted me as soon as she could to let me know. I left my house exactly when she left work and we arrived at our favorite club just a minute apart.

Speak Easy is an old favorite of ours that we somehow keep going back to despite their expensive drinks and up-tight atmosphere. They mixed their own cocktails that were ninety-nine percent alcohol and one percent mixers, according to the menu. Needless to say, we went there on nights that we needed a strong drink.

Tonight being one of those nights.

Lincoln, the man who she kept blabbering on about earlier, had broken up with her after two days of dating because she was too pushy. As bad as I felt for my poor friend, who was already on her third cocktail, I felt worse for the man that fell into her trap. Nelly wouldn't be done annoying this man for another few months. Her cruel tricks dated back to high school, when she first started to make any guy's life who dumped her a living hell.

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