Chapter Twelve

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When it came to having to get ready for our adventure out of my apartment, I settled for jeans and a baggy, black t-shirt. Simple and it screamed 'going to pick some stuff up at the grocery store' as opposed to 'date night'.

It didn't stop Nico and Cole from looking like they were mentally undressing me. How could I possibly be appealing in such an outfit? I didn't even put makeup on and my hair was in a ponytail! 

"After you," Nico opened the door for me and flashed a gentlemanly smile.

I smiled back and politely said, "Oh, no. Ladies first." And waved my hand forward for them to exit.

Cole rolled his eyes but went through the door and began walking towards their car. Nico, on the other hand, stared me down and refused to budge from the door. I had a feeling that we could stand here all day and both of us would be too stubborn to move an inch. So I took the high road and exited, following after Cole.

Nico took the driver's seat, Cole sat in the passenger side, and I opted for the back. However, I knew from experience that I wouldn't be safe anywhere in this car.

"Mia, don't test my patience. You'll find that I'm more stubborn than you." Nico said as he adjusted the rear-view mirror to get a good look at me nestling into the backseat. 

"You don't even know me..." I mumbled, just audibly enough for him to still hear it.

Nico actually laughed. "That's very untrue. I know you through stories your dad would tell us. We would have to watch over you some nights when he requested someone to check up on you. You were old enough to be home alone but still so innocent and oblivious. Don't take offense, it's just fact. Among your traits that we've come to notice; you're carefree on the surface but bubbling with stress on the inside, too good of a friend, and stubborn. But not as much as I am."

I turned my gaze to the road and, as we crossed under green lights and weaved through traffic, noticed we were inching closer and closer to downtown where last night's events happened. Going back there with the possibility of seeing those people who hurt Nelly might send me over the edge.

Nico pulled into an open parking spot directly in front of the tinted black-glass building. Before Cole could even think about opening my door for me, I was already out of the car and waiting for them to direct me on where to go.

Have them get me through the door and then dump them. That's the plan.

I kept repeating it to myself as they both arose from the car. Cole slicked his long hair back as he squinted up the facade of the skyscraper, whereas Nico was smoothing out his button up shirt. They looked like they were posing for some magazine cover.

"C'mon, let's get this over with." I had to roll my eyes at them just to break my gawking over their appearances. The half brothers were so different in looks but equally jaw-dropping.

Remember the plan.

Nico nodded to me and came around the car to open the door of the building for me. I accepted it, only to get this process moving along faster.

Flashbacks of the previous night bounced around in my head; my heart racing at the thought of losing my friend. And then I recalled the turn of events once I reached the floor where everything went down.

Floor thirty-two. 

Which is the same floor that Cole just pressed. The ride up was quick compared to last night where every second felt dragged out. It still couldn't have gone faster because the guys took either side of me and it felt like I was being trapped between them.

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