The song that played

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The world to Bucky felt like a turmoil of regret for what he does in the future. Y/n was beyond confusing towards him, one minute almost marveling at him and the next in complete denial of his existence. The other teammates pitied Bucky as his shoulders slouched in an almost 'I give up' sort of way. 

Suddenly, a small shake of the glass separating the Avengers and Hydra's Daughter made all their eyes widen. 

"Jarvis, what caused the shake?"  Tonys' voice was urgent.

"I-do-ah-iwjd-siq" Jarvis crackled reply made Clint jump into the vents to grab his bow and arrow as Cap shouted,

"Suit up!"


Y/N's voice screamed over the sound of the Avengers rushing out the interrogation room. Bucky was the only one who froze as a massive hole broke through the ceiling of Y/n's glass cage. 

Wanda's eyes suddenly turned red as she cracked the thick glass, causing shards to dance onto the floor, she threw the unknown enemy out the way as she helped the poor girl up.  

A weird cracking noise pierced through the speakers making everyone freeze and an angelic familiar voice sung,

I loved her, 

every time she died before my eyes in my nightmares, 

I feel a million knives stabbing my heart,

My heart breaks every time I walk past their grave. 

Lying together, they should be happy in heaven, 

she was an angel. 

A small pause took place and then a man sang in a husky voice

Every time I feel my heart create valleys, 

fissures through my soul, 

mending and then painfully getting ripped out every time I see 

Then both women and male sang together in a harmony,

They saved so many.

 I just wish I had seen what happened on that plane,

 what they had endured.

 I miss them 

They are heroes.

Then as the song ended a small beep started to play around the building, glowing red like blood, the walls started to crack.

"What was that?" Natasha cried in confusion

"That was us." Y/n's small voice sounded terrified 

"What?" The chorus of Avengers said

"That was me and Bucky singing. From death"

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