Small talk and joining a team

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I was honestly terrified. Singing...from death? What does that even mean? Like from the future or something? I sighed lowly and cast my eyes to Bucky's large frame, his shoulders slouched and eyes already staring at me. He smiled slightly, a quirk of his lips upwards, a sign saying "it's going to be okay". 

I wanted desperately to believe him but I was absolutely, totally, 100 percent terrified. 

I wanted to be back in that damn cell, singing those damn songs with a man I barely knew. He is going to be the man I die with, the man I spend whatever time after death with; the man I will be forever with and that scared me more then any Hydra experiment I had experienced as I knew the pain that would come but now, now I had no idea. No idea what would come in the future.

I had no idea what happens between me and Bucky.

Slowly, we were led out to the hospital bays to get checked from the fight. I could hear arguments about my arrangements being spoken behind me softly, hiding what they were saying through whispered words. Bucky strode next to me, keeping pace with my wobbly legs and confused mind whizzing 100 miles per hour. As I entered the room of the hospital bays I was overwhelmed with the smell of antibacterial wipes and cleansers making me stumble slightly while Bucky supported me with a rough palm of his hand to the small of my back lightly making me feel safe. Odd, I thought to myself, the last time I had felt that weird sensation of safe, home, was when we sang together. 

"Are you alright?" Bucky's deep voice brought me out of my whirlwind of thoughts, blinking slightly to adjust to the bright hospital lights I gave a pained smile to Bucky.

"Never better" Sarcasm, real smooth Y/n, great going.

To my surprise he chucked slightly and again quirked his lips into a small smile. Interesting.

"Quite the day huh? Singing from death? Sounds like some weird stuff to me, like something from the Hobbit"

I smiled at that, letting the tough facade down with the gentle super solider, "You' ve seen the Hobbit?"

"Read." He correct with a teasing smile, of course, he was 100 years old give or take.

"I'm more of Stranger Things fan"

"Stranger Things?" He tilted his head like a puppy, cute. 

"It's a TV show. You should watch it" 

"I don't have time for TV. My life is this job"

"No family?" I questioned sincerely, sad for him not having a separation  from work to his social life.

"Nope," he said popping the p, "These people," he pointed out the hospital window slowly, seeing the team of avengers talking animatedly being the glass wall panel, "these people are my family."

He looked back at me with a hopeful smile, one I had seen many times in movies I had watched while on the run. Jack and Rose from titanic, Jake and Amy from Brooklyn 99 and Peeta and Katniss from the Hunger Games. It was full of love which was a very confusing concept, we may of only looked into each others deep eyes full of mystery for mere hours but  we had spent many years talking and singing together. We had been each others saviours.

"And I hope you join this family."

And let out a small laugh in surprise.

"Are you asking me to join the Avengers?"

"Damn right I am doll."

A small pause took place as I looked over at his team, his family then back to him with a smile lighting up my features.

"Them I'm in"

Hydra's Daughter (Bucky x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant