The Party

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Bucky's POV:

Tony waltzed into the kitchen with a smug smile etched across his face. We had lost any hope of finding the girl, she was skilled, could of been a great asset to the team...

"I know where she is" Those words were enough for me to snap out my mini day dream. Steve clapped his hands in anticipation as we waited for the plan.

Its an undercover mission. Fancy dress at a casino 6 blocks away. Me, Steve and Sam where going to go while the others spoke to us from the tower through the coms. Steve was thrilled to finally destroy his match, it was kinda childish really, an obsession with a young women. I chuckled at the thought which gained me weird looks from the team. Great, they still think I'm a physco. 

Me, Steve and Sam got dressed and I have to say we looked smokin'.

We got into the car and drove of towards the casino. 

When we got out and was walking in, Sam took out 'red wing' and got it to look for facial recognition of Hydra's Daughter. 

I walked towards the bar and sat next to a h/c women who looked around 20. She was wearing a tight red play suit and her hair was in a curled ponytail. She looked up and we locked eyes. Something about her seemed oddly familiar. 

She started tapping her finger on the table obsessively and chewing her gum quickly. Strange. 

Before I could say something glass splinted everywhere, an explosion had been set. Me, Steve and Sam took fighting stances, ready for blood to be spilt. Steve repetitively tried to get hold of Natasha. It didn't work, they seemed to have been hacked. 

I flexed my metal arm into a fist. Gun shots where ringing as Hydra soldiers marched into the building, murdering civilians. Steve's shield was the other side of the room and 'red wing' had been damaged in the explosion. 

All guns where aimed at us, we were ready for the blow until a strange person in a black suit (like Natasha's but without the Shield logo) pushed us out the way. Saving our asses. She roundhouse kicks them and basically destroys the Hydra agents. 

She turned to me, her h/c hair flying in the wind and spoke with a soft angelic voice, one I could recognise anywhere.

My singing partner.

"Джеймс, тебе нужно выбраться отсюда и со своими друзьями." (Russian for "James, you need to get out of here and with your friends.")

Before I could answer, a man with black hair and dark blue eyes walked into the setting, with a menacing look on his mug. 

"Trying to save our little metal soldier again, L/N?" She hesitatingly looked over at me and mouthed the words "Go." I nodded and lead myself, Steve and Sam out the building but not before I heard her say. 

"I will never tell you where it is hidden."

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