The Mission

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At the Avengers Tower:

Bucky, Steve and Sam were sat on the leather couch talking about non sense. Sam and Steve were in near tears as Bucky tried to work out how the TV turned on. It has been 30 minutes.

"Come on Buck, press the red button" Steve exhaled quickly, fighting of the fits of giggles. However, Sam wasn't trying to hide his amusement.

"To be fair, when you've been in the freezer you don't tend to watch Moana all the time" 

Nick Fury entered the room with a slam of the door. Quickly followed by Tony, Wanda, Vision, Natasha, Thor, Clint and Bruce. 

"We have a lead on Hydra's Daughter!" Tony yelled, obviously not being able to contain his excitement. "Hydra's Daughter" is what the call the young women who commits assassins and leaves no trace but the body. They have been trying 6 months to catch the blasted girl but to no avail, until today. She is skilled and deadly. 

"Yes, yes Tony, we have." Nick Fury said, rolling his eyes. "They call her Y/N L/N. She is 20 years old and seemed to be in Hydra's possession all her life until 3 weeks ago. She is deadly, we can't have her alive." 

"What your saying is we need to kill her?" Steve questioned.

"Yes" Nick Fury stated with a slight edge to his voice. "Unless you want Bucky back with Hydra we need her in her grave"

That shut Steve up. He couldn't risk loosing his best friend when he had only returned to them a year ago.

"You heard him team. Suit up!" Tony exclaimed with excitement filling his voice.

On the Quinjet:

Clint and Natasha were sat together at the front of the plane, most likely flirting while Thor stuffed his face eating pop tarts. Banner and Tony where chatting about some science experiment they would try next.

Near the back Wanda and Vision where talking about there date the next night if they should get Burgers or Chili. 

Steve suddenly stood up as they neared the middle of the city where the target would be and started talking.

"Alright everyone. This is the biggest lead we have had on Hy- I mean, y/n l/n and I don't want to ruin it. Me, Tony, Bucky and Sam will front attack her while the rest of you try to keep the people away as she won't go down without a fight. Avengers ASSEMBLE!"

They all landed and hopped out the Quinjet. They had to kill this girl as she is the biggest threat. They need her dead. 


We jumped out the Quinjet but I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I was never normally this nervous on missions but I couldn't help but feel like something will go terribly wrong, this is Hydra we are talking about.

Before I knew it we were in the middle of the city, our coms in and ready for a fight. Did we really have to kill this women? I understand she has down wrong but am I no better? With a sigh me, Steve and Sam walked around, looking for Hydra's Daughter. 

"Steve, Y/N has been spotted. Shall we advance?"  Natashas voice said through the com.

"That's a negative. We can't risk anything." Steve said sounding determined. He hadn't stopped trying to find this girl in weeks, he almost was wanting to prove himself. 

"STEVE! HYDRA AGENTS ARE IN THE PERIMETER! THEY ARE-" The line goes static. Great. I look over to see Steve looking at Sam with concern. 

"We've been set up" I stated with no emotion evident in my voice. Truly, I was terrified. They couldn't take me back, I could be The Winter Soldier again. I could feel the moisture in my palms as we sprinted towards the fight.

I shot 11 Hydra agents dead. What did they want? They kept shouting at each other things translated to "where is she?!" and "we need to find her!" Who?

Then I saw her. A goddess like being in a black Range Rover sped towards the Hydra agents, knocking them down one by one. 


We ran towards the car as suddenly it was getting shot at by Hydra's tank. Why were they trying to kill one of there best assassins. Of course, Steve didn't notice this, all he wanted was that girl dead and he would stop at nothing to get it. Suddenly, the range rovers door opened and she lent out the car holding onto the seat belt and firing a 5 inch pistol straight at the Hydra agents, killing them. 

While me and Steve marvelled at the girls skill. She sped away out of sight. 

That night while everyone was trying to track her where abouts, all I could think was. 

Who was Y/N L/N?

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