Chapter 8

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Sukuna roared as I coughed blood into my hand. We had been trying (and failing) to test out Sukuna's theory about my power.

The ramen boy stood still. His dead eyes, not meeting mine. Our new pet stood still not moving unless his master Sukuna told him to. He was close to death already. We were approaching his fourth day with us and with his mouth sewn shut he was slowly dying of starvation and dehydration. 

I felt no remorse for the young ramen boy. He was just a human after all. 

The gold of my eyes glowed brighter and the marks around my face changed as I readied myself to once again attempt to make the ramen boy bend to my will. 

The markings that covered my skin shifted to make two circles on either side of my mouth and a symbol on my tongue appeared. 


Sukuna theorized that if my problem was focus and control (which was regulated by my rhyming before) maybe by focusing my cursed energy into a fixed point, I could simply speak my commands.

"Sleep!" My voice echoed in an ethereal fashion before my markings returned to their original state.

Finally, after hours and hours, the ramen boy fell to the ground unconscious. 

"YES! Well done my prize." Sukuna praised lifting my exhausted figure up into the air and spun around in delight. 

I gave him a soft smile, unable to speak as my throat was so raw. He lowered me onto my feet, making sure to keep one hand on my waist in case I decided to keel over. 

"Yes, we will continue to develop this in the future. You, my dear, are going to be my perfect little weapon." He smirked. He ran his thumb slowly across my bottom lip, cleaning the remnants of blood. 

I leaned into his touch, something I find myself doing often lately. 

He radiated the fiery heat, skin as scorching as the sun. I once brought this to his attention as he responded with a sarcastic, "I am the incarnation of destruction, is it not obvious that the fires of hell would course through my veins!"  

Sometimes I don't get his humor. 

The more I'm around Sukuna the more I become addicted to him. I've come to rely on the heat and warmth he provides me. 

But there is a divide that stands between us. A divide that must never be crossed.

I know in my heart what I feel for the King of Curses, but I refuse to lose him like I lost the others.

It's always the same. 

I let myself melt.

I let myself heal.

I let myself feel warm. 

And then it is taken away. My warmth and my heart go with each and every one. 

My parents, my grandmother, Freya. 

The curse I bear is much deadlier than my spells and magical words. I condemn those around me to death with my curse. 


It is unavoidable and yet each time I find the person that brings light and warmth back to my miserable soul. Every time I find the Sun to my Moon as Freya called them. Every time I curse some poor soul with my love... they are taken. 

I was pulled from my dark thoughts by Sukuna grabbing my jaw and forcing my eyes to meet his. 

"Do not ignore me, Selene..." He growled 

My attention went back to him as his fingers lightly traced their way down my throat. His nails razor-sharp, one wrong move and he'd slice off my head. 

I gave him a sorry smile as his finger continued to slide downwards. 

He moved in closer placing a kiss under my jaw and then smiling into my neck.

"What's wrong Selene... No smart ass words?" He practically purred against my throat, knowing full well I could no longer speak. The sensation self shivers up my spine as the fingers found their way into his hair. 

His nails continue to trace the line of my chest as he continued to assault my neck. 

Biting, sucking, kissing, smiling on the one spot that made standing on two legs a real challenge. 

"Tell me what you want, ダーリン" he whispered into my ear.  I knew what he was doing. Whenever he was in a good mood he would resort to teasing me. 

I knew what to do... It would most likely get me killed.
























It's worth it.

I smirked knowing he couldn't see my face. 

The marks on my face changed as the two circular marks appeared on my tanned skin. 

He froze feeling the shift of cursed energy. 

"Sweetheart... What are y-"

I smiled at his weary face as he now looked at me.


His eyes glazed over as I fought back a cough. 

Oh, I'm so dead.

The Sun and The Moon (Sukuna X OC)Where stories live. Discover now