Chapter 26

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(A/N: PLEASE pay attention to Yuji and Tsukiko's ages, I'm gonna be doing a lot of big-time skips in each chapter so ya! Like last chapter and this one are years apart! Sorry if it's a little jarring <3)


Yuji: Age 14

Tsukiko: Age 13

I walked into Tsuki-chan's house. It was Saturday and I WANNA DO SOMETHING! It was already noon and Tsuki wasn't picking up the phone, so she was probably asleep.

Tsuki-chan is my crus-BEST FRIEND!

We've known each other forever, I love her a lot! N-not like that love but like a friend love...YUP FRIENDS! It's not like I wanna marry her and be together forever and ever. It's not like I dream of living happily ever after with the love of my life.... NOPE, NOT AT ALL!



I just walked, the door is always unlocked. I always tell her to lock her door! It's so dangerous. But she always says it's too troublesome to carry around a key or get up to open the door for you and Mom. So she refuses to lock it. 

I walked straight to her room. It was dark and the only sound was the hum of her ceiling fan. I laid down next to the peacefully sleeping Tsukiko, just looking at her for a second. 

My hand found its way to her face, my fingers softly tracing her perfect features. Her flawless tan skin felt cool against my hand. I leaned forward placing a kiss on her forehead, pushing her snow-white bangs aside. 

"Tsuki-chan. It's time to wake up..." I whispered softly. Her tired golden eyes fluttered open before she groaned and closed them again. she snuggled closer to me placing her head on my chest. "Five more minutes Yuji..." I smiled at her sleep-filled voice. 

"If you wake up nooowwww I'll buy you some ramen from that new place...." I persuaded. It took a few seconds before she muttered out a bet and rolled out of bed to get ready. 

She came out of her bathroom wearing the yellow sweatshirt she stole from me a while back. I blushed looking at her, my hoodie was way too big on her but she looked so cute. She was an absolute Goddess to me, beautiful both inside and out. No one else could compare to Tsukiko in my eyes. My Tsukiko.

I shook my head trying to bring myself back to reality. Before smiling at her and taking her hand. She dragged a bit behind me, still sleepy. I laughed as she continued to trip over her own feet, stumbling like a zombie towards the new ramen place that just opened. 

We walked in and grabbed a booth. Tsukiko sat next to me placing her head on my shoulder. 

The waiter came to take our order. He looked about our age, he had messy blonde hair and warm brown eyes. He looked like a nice enough guy but her froze when he says Tsukiko.

His eyes grew wide as he looked at her, a slight blush coated his cheeks causing me to frown. I heard him mutter a wow before he shook his head and finally approached.

"W-what can I get for you!" He stuttered and his blush only grew. I practically scowled at him when he kept eying the girl on my shoulder. "Two miso ramens," I said trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. Tsuki-chan lifted her head looking at me concerned, probably uncomfortable with my change in tone. 

I didn't mean to make her worry but I just can't help it! This guy just gets on my nerves. 

He finally walked away to go place our orders, Tsukino laid her head back on my shoulder.

"He's a cutie, isn't he? like a little puppy." Tsukiko said wrapping her arms around mine. 

"What? You like him or something?" I said. I don't really know what I was feeling at the moment. Hurt? angry? I want Tsuki-chan to be happy. I always want her to be happy. But she's never really been interested in a guy before. This is a first for us and I don't really know how to handle it. 

I want to be selfish. I want to keep Tsuki-chan all to myself forever. But that's just not possible... also it sounds really weird and creepy. 

"What's wrong Yuji?" She asked looking into my eyes from her spot on my shoulder. 

"I don't really know... Jealous I guess." I watched a blush coat her cheeks at my words. Smiling to myself, I felt pride that I was able to make her blush. 

"Why are you jealous?"

"I'll tell ya some other time."

"Is it cause he gets to work with yummy ramen."

"no Tsuki-chan."

"Is it his hair? He does have nice hair."

"No Tsuki-chan."

"Is it because-"

"Just eat your ramen tsuki-chan." 

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