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"And class," Professor Callahan announces. "Is why Astronomy is the most fun science class."

The class joins in laughter and Professor Callahan excuses us for the day. This class is really fun. It's sometimes hard, but is a nice break from some of my other classes.

My classmates began to file out but I had a question for the Professor.

"Professor Callahan?" I ask, timidly.

Professor Callahan is a very nice man. He's never yelled or gotten angry, been pissed off at the class. It's a nice thing to have good teachers.

He looks over at me, his bright hazel eyes smile at me. I'd say he's around middle age and grey hair is beginning to form in his dark hair. He reminds me of someone but I can't seem to think of who.

"Brooke," he greets. Another nice thing about him is that he remembers all of our names. And I mean all of us. My astronomy class fills a whole lecture hall and I'd say there's about sixty students. "Did you need my assistance?"

I nodded. "I had a question regarding the final and-" I'm cut off by the door swinging open.

Both Professor Callahan and I whip our heads to see who it is. To my surprise, it's Roman. His hazel eyes are dark with some type of agitation. Once he realizes there's another person in the room he tries to fix his expression.

"Roman?" Professor Callahan asks curiously. "I'm in the middle of speaking to a student, could you wait outside son?"

Son? I could be reading into it because sometimes that can just be some kind of greeting but I'm not so sure that's the case here. But then it clicks in my mind on who he reminded me of. I look between Roman and Professor Callahan. They are the spitting image of one another but Professor Callahan has some age to his features. Although, no matter the age, they look very similar.

Roman watches me with an odd expression. It's almost like he's trying to protect something, a secret? That might be it. But why would he be secretive about who his father is?

Roman sighs. "Fine. Sorry," he says flatly, agitation lacing his tone.

I watch as Roman backs out of the doorway and into the hallway.

Professor Callahan gives an awkward chuckle. "Sorry about that," he says. "He always seems to do that."

I decide to ask. "Is he your son?"

Professor Callahan nods solemnly. "Yes, I think he likes to interrupt me and annoy me on purpose." He seems amused by his own statement but a little sad about it too.

Deciding not to pry into Professor Callahan's personal life, I ask my question. It was something boring about our end of the semester final, that deals with a big research project of our choice. I get the answers I need and I exit the classroom, silently hoping Roman isn't super close by.

But to my dismay, he is. I haven't really thought too much on whether I would see him around or not. Running into him after our "up against the wall almost kiss" is embarrassing enough, but having it happen in front of my Professor, who is also his father? Not one of my top ten moments.

His back is to the wall, leaning against it, and he's staring down at his phone. His dark hair hangs down on his forehead and his head snaps to me opening the door.

I'm anticipating a smirk from him but it doesn't show. He still looks agitated or confused? I don't know, he's very hard to read.

"You left." He mutters and I know exactly what he's referring to.

I sigh. "And? What was I supposed to do? I barely know you and you had to leave anyway."

And finally just as I anticipated, his signature smirk paints his lips. "It didn't ruin my ego Princess."

I glare at him and scoff. "For one, I hate Princess, it's corny and stereotypical cheesy romance. And two, I wasn't implying that it did, nor do I care if that was the case."

He shrugs, amusement playing on his expression. "Wait out here for me," He asks. It's not really a question, more of an assumption.

I cross my arms over my chest. "I can't, I have to leave for work." I say, which is actually true.

"I'll come with you," he says. Again, not a question.

I shake my head. "To my work? Yeah no."

He raises his eyebrows. "If you are to get to know me, you have to hang out with me, Brooke."

I scrunch my face. "I don't-"

He interrupts me. "This will take two minutes." He says and before I can say anything he walks into the classroom.

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