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"Drew, I said I can't," I hear a voice grumble. "Well I don't give a fuck if he's the unbeatable. I'm not coming tonight-"

He's cut off and silence fills the room. I peek my eyes slightly open and I can see that he's on the phone. He looks angry and his hair is all ruffled from either sleep, or him running his hands through it in frustration. He's shirtless and his sweatpants hang off his waist.

"Why don't you ask Marcus huh?" He snaps.

The guy on the phone says something else. "I'm being defensive because I'm like two fucking hours away and-"

Roman's eyes then trace back to me on the bed. I quickly shut my eyes before he can see I'm awake.

He shakes his head when I peek my eyes open again. "I'm not doing it Drew. I'll deal with Julien later," he whispers harshly. "Stop fucking calling me." He grumbles into the phone and after he hangs up the phone, I hear his phone crash onto what sounds like his bag.

Roman sighs, his frustration radiates off of him as I peek my eyes open again. This time, he sees that I'm slightly awake so he joins me back on the bed.

His tortured expression tells me that the phone call wasn't about something pleasant.

My tired eyes look up at him hovering over me. I rub my eyes to try and relieve the exhaustion. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Nothing for you to worry about," he says and I frown. "You can go back to sleep."

"Why can't I worry about it?" I ask.

He scoffs. "Your need to know everything is kind of a problem, Princess."

I glare at him. "First of all, don't call me Princess, I hate that. And two, I worry about things because I care." Before I realize what I just said, shock fills Roman's features. He then hides it away, putting up that wall he always uses.

He leans down to kiss me. "I'll tell you when I can, okay?" He says, his eyes still locked on my lips.

I nod and he captures my lips once more.


Roman offered to drive me home and I accepted. I decided to let Bailey hang out with Keegan alone. It's not fun having me barge in on them. Jasmine, James, Persila, and Lucas all drove together and we all said goodbye to the cabin.

The soft sounds of the radio fill the silence of the car. "Tired?" Roman asks, interrupting the silence.

I nod, lazily. "That sun wore me out," I say, chuckling.

Roman nods in agreement. "Well, I might have had an impact too," the smirk on his handsome face catches my gaze.

I roll my eyes. "Not everything is about you y'know,"

He shrugs. "Maybe it is," he teases.

The rest of the drive back to campus was peaceful and a little nerve racking for me because I feel like once we make it back, he'll disappear again.

When we pull up to my house he turns off the ignition and I turn to him. "Will I see you soon?" I ask cautiously.

He thinks about it for a second. "Tomorrow?" He says, amusingly eager.

I chuckle. "Sure," I say. "I have class till around 3:30,"

He nods and his hand goes up behind my neck. He pulls me forward and locks his lips with mine, everytime I kiss him I just feel like nothing else in the world matters. Like this is right where I'm supposed to be.

His kiss is eager and passionate. I have to all but push myself off of him if I'm ever to go inside.

I smile. "I'll see you tomorrow," I whisper.

"Tomorrow," he says against my lips.

I get out of the car and grab my stuff, waving Roman off as he drives away.

I open the door to the house and I see Hannah and Kai staring me down.

My eyes widen. "How much of that did you see?"

Hannah snorts. "Kai almost ran out there and screamed."

Kai gasps. "I was not. Screaming is for crazy people."

Hannah and I both raised our eyebrows at him. Knowing full well, he has screamed in this circumstances before.

He sighs. "Ok fine." He confesses. "Maybe I was going to."

I chuckle and tell them to follow me upstairs.

Kai drags me to my bed after I put my bags down.

Hannah looks intrigued. "Now can you tell us?"

I laugh. "Okay fine." I say. "We made up-"

"And made out," Kai teases.

I glare at him. "We are not 15, quit it with that." Kai just laughs. "Anyways, things seem... okay at the moment. We talked and I'm not sure what to expect next." I say, shrugging.

"That's it?" Hannah asks, confused.

I nod. "That's really it."

Kai groans. "Boring. Brooke, you have the most interesting love life out of the three of us and you don't spare details?"

I give him a look. "No I'm not." I say. "I've got some work to do so you guys can hang out with me here, if you want."

They both nod and then I see a smirk grow on Kai's face. "Maybe I can pry it out of you. Did he take your virginity?"

"Kai!" I exclaim and grab the pillow behind me to throw at him.

"What?" He says in defense. "I was just asking."

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