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"I can't believe you're making me do this," Keegan says from the driver's seat.

I sigh. "You didn't have to," I say apologetically. "I just have to know," I say and give him an expression that will try to convince him of how serious I am.

He nods in understanding before moving his gaze back to the road. It's late, and in the direction we are going, it's almost pitch black. We drive through dark one way roads and I try my best to keep my cool as we pull up to an abandoned warehouse.

"This is...?" I offer to Keegan as we begin walking toward the warehouse.

He sighs, his shoulders sag as he places his hands in his pockets. "You'll see,"

That just makes me even more nervous. And the fact that Roman is in there, doesn't make me feel any better. Keegan keeps a close pace to me and once we reach a door he creaks it open.

The room we enter is insane. Yelling and chanting, consume the room. All the people are directing their calls to the center of the room, where a boxing match is taking place.

My breath catches as I now realize just what Roman was keeping from me. Why he's always so secretive and mysterious. Why he always seems to have money to spare when he's a young college student who should be barely paying for food and tuition.

Keegan grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I let him because the last place I want to be is stuck in between all the people. We walk around the big crowd and that's when we find Roman.

He's shirtless, his skin and tattoos glistening with sweat under the dim fluorescent lighting. His messy hair is a tad damp and is eyes are tense, concentrated.

His eyes are attached to the fight in the ring. But by his appearance, it tells me he might be up next.

His eyes then wander, making their way through the people. When his eyes land on me, his whole body does a double take and he goes incredibly still.

His jaw tightens and he makes his way over to Keegan and I. I keep my face blank so he can see that I'm not here to bitch to him about him leaving. But to tell him exactly why I dragged Keegan and I to a place he doesn't want us to know about.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He grumbles roughly. The anger that rolls off his shoulders is present, the commotion in the room adds to Roman's frustration.

His eyes move behind my head to Keegan.

"I had to bring her Roman," he concludes. "She had to know,"

Roman gives an anger huff. "No, she didn't." His gaze moves back down to me.

"I came here to get answers," I say. "I'm nosy, you know that. But it's only because I care about you that I'm here in the first place." I say and my eyes squint at him.

He just watches me as I interrogate him. Not seeming to believe anything I'm saying. "And what if I care about you too, huh?" He yells over the crowd. "Why the fuck do you think I hid this," he angrily throws his hand to the ring. "From you? This is why I left in the first place. You don't deserve this shit." He spits out.

Sadness washes over me. I shouldn't feel sadness for him when he was lying to me, but I do. It's all he knows how to do. He wanted to protect me. From him.

"Roman-" I begin to speak but the announcer ends the match and calls the next two fighters, Roman and another fighter.

He looks back at me, remorse and guilt in his eyes. "You should get out of here," he says and I shake my head.

"I'm not leaving until you do," I say and he sighs. His eyes squeeze shut as he pulls me to him.

He walks us closer to Keegan and releases me. He cups my cheek. "Stay with Keegan." He says. "I mean it," he demands. "It gets hectic here during one of my fights."

All I do is nod and he kisses my forehead before rushing off.

I gulp as I watch him walk up into the ring. My heart races and my eyes are fully attached to Roman's every move.

A guy blows a whistle and Roman circles his opponent. The opponent throws the first punch, but Roman is quick to block him. He's focused and determined.

Keegan yells to Roman behind me. "Kick his ass Roman!"

People around us join him and Roman looks as confident as ever. My breathing quickens and I gasp as the other fighter draws blood from Roman's eyebrow. It runs down his temple and cheek. Panic and concern wash over me and I wish it was over.

Roman's glare is venomous. He looks the most terrifying I've ever seen him. His opponent looks smug as he rounds Roman again. Roman isn't about to stop, however, and before the other guy can react Roman quickly charges him and they smack to the ground. Roman's anger rolls off his whole body as he hopes to end this fight. The other fighter's face is bloody and scratched up. He hits the floor below and the officiant blows the whistle.

I breathe a sigh of relief, my whole body trying to relax from the stress of watching Roman fight. Roman quickly gets out of the ring and grabs a shirt before marching toward us.

His face softens when he sees me. I probably look panicked and anxious but once he reaches he pulls me into a tight embrace. A part of me is totally grossed out about the sweat dripping from him but I realize I need to be close to him. My fear for him doesn't just go away even if he's not fighting anymore.

He pulls away just enough to kiss me. It's a desperate kiss that makes me melt into him.

He released the kiss and pulled me tight to him. He looks over at Keegan. "Thank you, Keegan." Is all he says.

Keegan gives a curt nod. He disappears from the crowd and Roman pulls me out of the warehouse.

Once we get outside, I ask, "Why do you do it?" I ask curiously.

His eyes drop to the ground. "Money, anger, I'm not sure." He says. "The pay is good and it keeps me in shape."

"But not with the right intentions," I say back.

He nods. "I'm sorry," he says.

I shake my head. "I'm not mad at you," I say.

He looks shocked. "You're not?" He says surprised.

"No," I say. "It made me realize some things,"

A small smile grows on his face. "Like what?"

"You're afraid. You've been abandoned and lied to your whole life." I say, I frown. "I don't want to lie to you, ever."

He looks taken aback. His whole demeanor changes. The tension in his shoulders dissipates and his lips part. "Brooke," he sighs. "I'll never lie to you, ever again. You have my word." He moves toward me and cups my cheeks. "I'll fight for you, no matter what."

I smile and a tear falls down my cheek. He leans in to kiss me and the whole world washes away. It's just me and Roman. There's no fighting, there's no school, parents, siblings, responsibilities. Just us.

I move as close as I possibly can to him and he groans, his hands squeezing my hips and his lips desperate against mine. "Stay with me," he breathes in a deep whisper.

I nod and he rushes me to his car.


Back in his room, we are a frenzy of kisses and touches. Our skin is on fire and all I can feel is the passion Roman gives.

We've lost clothing and we are breathless. His room is quiet besides our quickened breathing. I don't know when but before I know it I'm down to only a bra, my heart races and Roman pulls away, his lips making a trail down from my lips to my stomach. His eyes rise up at me and I sigh.

He smirks and keeps kissing me. He looks back up at me. "May I?" He asks, amusement fills his tone.

All I do is nod and he touches until I collapse in exhaustion.

With my eyes still squeezed shut, my labored breathing is the only audible thing in Roman's dark room. He joins me back at the top of the bed and brushes my damp hair back. "You're beautiful," he whispers.

I smile.

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