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The next few chapters are going to be in Roman's POV! I thought it would fit for him to have these next few chapters from his eyes.


"Hey!" I hear a voice exclaim that makes me jump. I look to my left and see that it's Brooke's sister, Bailey. "What are you doing here? Brooke's working."

I nod, knowing full well Brooke is at work. "She told me to meet her here, I decided to come early." I say and then I remember something. "You guys really need to learn to lock the door, someone could break in." I say, seriously. The thought of some random person breaking in this house while Brooke is sleeping... a chill runs up my spine.

Bailey rolls her eyes. "I lock it at night," She argues.

I raise an eyebrow and shake my head. "Uh, no you don't,"

She cocks her head to the side. "How would you- Hey!" She seems to catch on and glares at me.

I smirk. So what? Maybe I sometimes sneak in here to see Brooke. I usually lock it once I get in because the people living in this house don't seem to care.

I begin to walk up the stairs but Bailey stops me again. "Oh! We are leaving on Friday so make sure you're here around 4,"

Uh, leaving? Leaving for what? I turn back around and ask just that, "Leaving for what?"

Bailey gives me a confused look. "Uh for Thanksgiving week at my parents house? Didn't Brooke tell you?" Bailey seems genuinely surprised I have no clue what she's talking about.

Thanksgiving? At Brooke's family's house? That's kind of an important conversation to have. Why didn't she tell me?

I act like I remember, "Oh, yeah sorry. I forgot," I cast my head down and head up the stairs before Bailey can make another comment. Sometimes it surprises me that Brooke and Bailey are sisters. Bailey is very... loud, whereas Brooke isn't. That's one of the things I love about her, she's the calm of the chaotic life I live.

My mind thinks through why she wouldn't tell me about the trip home. Clearly I was invited or Bailey never would have brought it up, but why does Brooke leave in two days for a week trip without even mentioning Thanksgiving? Does she not want me to meet her family? That thought runs through my head and every time I do, I don't blame her for not wanted to bring a tattooed, illegal fighter home to meet her suburban parents.

Maybe she thinks I have plans? I roll my eyes imagining myself sitting at a table with my father and his wife and children. Even though he did invite me, I'm not sure I could handle that yet.

I sit on the edge of Brooke's bed and put my head in my hands, sighing, and wondering if Brooke thinks of me the way I think of her.

It's pathetic for me to be this insecure because it really isn't my thing to give a shit of what people think about me. But with Brooke, I care about everything she thinks. Whether it's about me or something else, I always want to know what she cares about, what bothers her, or what she loves. I'm pretty sure she does love me, but for it being so early in our relationship, maybe she isn't sure she's ready for that step.

Hell, the thought of meeting her parents does kind of terrify me. She speaks very highly of her dad and loves her mom despite the issues they have. Everything about Brooke challenges me to be better. It makes my life harder but it's a challenge I'm fully willing to face. I've never dated someone or loved someone like this so every step is new, every new moment is a battle.

But I love doing it. I like getting to know Brooke. Just being around her calms me down. If anything were to happen to her I'd kill whoever tries to hurt her. Like at the fight, when I saw her being held by that jackass, I lost it. I couldn't stand to see her in the crowd of rich snobs and sleaze-bags for any longer, and I'm never letting it happen again.

It's still up in the air of what is to come out of me leaving the fight in Chicago. It's been dead silent from that side of my life and I wish it would stay that way. I just am preparing myself if and when Julien turns up again, giving me the "consequences for my actions". My worst fear is that he'll come after Brooke. I think back to how the girls in this house don't lock the door. I make a mental note to always check the door.

Before I can dwell about Julien's retaliation any longer, Brooke opens her door and smiles at me when she walks through. She looks worn out from teaching and the sweat in her hair tells me she worked hard today.

She notices the grim look on my face and grows concerned. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"When were you going to tell me about your trip home for Thanksgiving?" I ask, flatly.

She freezes and her eyes widen, clearly caught in the act. She casts her eyes down to the floor and looks nervous. "I didn't know what to say." She says, still not looking at me. "I didn't even know if you'd want to go."

I move off my spot on her bed and walk over to her, putting my finger under her chin so she can look at me. When her eyes meet mine, she still looks guilty. "Brooke, of course I'd go, but only if you want me too,"

She looks relieved but then frowns. "Why wouldn't I want you to come with me?"

I shrug. "Are you sure you want to introduce me to your parents?" I ask, cautiously.

Her frown deepens. "Of course I do," She says, her face then growing serious. "I love you, why wouldn't I want my parents to meet you?"

I shake my head. "I don't know, it's just-"

She smiles a little. "That you don't think they'd like you because you have tattoos and look like a punk, is that it? Is that what you were thinking?" She seems amused, but I'm not.

"Exactly, I-" I pause, remembering something she said. "Did you just call me a punk?" Now I'm amused.

She rolls her eyes. "No, I was reading your thoughts,"

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh so you can read minds now?"

She snorts. "You know what I mean," she says, playfully shoving my arm.

I smile, I tug her so I can hold her to me.

"So you'll come with me right?" She clarifies.

I stare at her for a moment, watching her and taking it all in. Every time I look at her I realize how lucky I am. As stupid and as insecure as it sounds, she's too gorgeous to be with me anyways, but I'm too selfish to give her up. Ever.

I smile, capturing her lips, and then I kiss her cheek and down to her neck. "I'll go with you,"

"Yay!" She says from above me.

I chuckle against her neck.

She tries to push me away then. "Hey, wait, I'm all sweaty and gross. Let me shower first and we can-"

I raise and eyebrow. "Babe, you had me at shower,"

She gives me a mischievous look and I chase her into the shower.

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