Chapter 5

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They always told me that when you're about to die that your life flashes before your eyes. But I didn't see much of anything.

I just sat there against the car watching as the walkers came closer. To me they were moving like they were in slow motion. Their arms slowly flailing, as their steps slowly got closer to me.

Tilting my head I looked up. I was never religious, but my parents were. They always told me that my sinning ways brought all their trouble. That's why they had to punish me, keeping me locked away.

I was seven, I wasn't a sinner. If god was suppose to save people, why did he allow my parents to do the things they did, in his name... Cause there is no god. No one to save you. No one but yourself....

Spitting in the air, I carefully pushed myself off the ground. The pain was unbearable, but I pushed through it. I wasn't going to die today; I wasn't going to let Shane win.

Using the door handle I pulled myself to my feet. Biting down on my cheek holding back a scream, I pushed off the car and started to run the best I could. The best I could manage was a slight run with a major limp. My leg that had the arrow protruding out of it, dragging across the pavement.

I didn't look back as I continue to run. Frankly I didn't need to look back to see how close they were to me, I could hear them. I could hear ever move that their rotting bodies made.

Rounding the corner, I saw the tail lights of a car driving off into the night. If I could make it to the fence fast enough, maybe I could get their attention. I knew that was a stretch but I had to try, or I'd end up on the dinner menu.

Pushing myself as fast as I could, I stumbled around the last deserted car and to the fence. My hands gripping onto the metal, trying to support myself. Standing there I watched as the lights of the car slowly faded away from sight. It was over....

"Fuck!" I screamed out in pain. My hands violently shaking the fence, before I dropped to the ground.

Looking over, I saw the rope ladder gone. My last chance of survival gone along with it. Leaning my head against the fence I waited for the end.

"Had." I turned feeling the fence push against my back. Daryl was standing on the other side, looking down at me.

"Daryl..." Struggling I pulled myself up once again. "Help me... I don't want to die." I pleaded with him to help. Panic and fear in my voice.

"Stay there." He whispered, before throwing my missing ladder over the fence. Climbing up and over it fast, he made his way over to me.

Grabbing my arm he dragged me over to the wall fast. Looking over my shoulder I saw the first set of walkers hit the last car.

"Come on, climb." He yelled.

"I... I can't." I frantically shouted.

Running hands through his hair, he looked down at my leg. Closing his eyes, he shouted out in frustration not realizing how badly I was hurt.

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