Chapter 29

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"What?" Daryl's brow raised as he stared at me. His grip on the car door loosening.

Maybe this wasn't a good time to tell him. Maybe there wasn't ever a good time to say what I just did. Judging by his face, he was confused to why I even said it. Obviously he didn't feel the same as I do. Really I should have expected this, I mean its the apocalypse and Daryl might have just wanted me around for the company.

"Nothing." I shook my head quickly, and rounded the front of the truck. Giving one last look at him before I pulled open the door and slid inside. "It's nothing, so lets just go."

Heaving a sigh I diverted my gaze when he slowly climbed in and started the truck. The engine roared to life and soon the buildings that were outside my window were flying by as we got the hell out of this stupid city.

My fingers tapped against the window ledge as my eyes followed the landscape. But I really wasn't looking at anything in particular, I was trying to focus on the dim reflection of myself in the window. I looked like hell, blood covered my face and my eyes were swollen and red. Making me look like I haven't slept in ages... Which was actually the case.

On occasion I could see Daryl's figure peek in my direction, looking over me silently. He'd never say anything though and just go back to focusing on the road.

The car ride was awkwardly quiet the rest of the way through the city. Neither one of us saying anything, basically keeping to ourselves.

I was just thankful the car ride out was better. We didn't have to deal with many walkers, just the occasional one that was laying in the middle of the street. But Daryl did his best to drive around them when he could.

"Had." Looking up from the window I heard Daryl's voice. Even though he addressed me I didn't look over at him. I was afraid of what I'd see on his face.

"Yeah?" I quietly answered, my hands instantly dropping into my lap. Letting my fingers loosely intertwine together.

"'Bout earlier. Did ye mean what ye said?" He asked as he awkwardly cleared his throat.

"It was nothing Daryl. I'd just like to forget about it, if that's ok with you." Breathing out a heavy breath, I finally got the nerve to look over at him.

He was staring at the road ahead of us, his left hand on the steering wheel, his right rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ye know as well as me Had, ye can't say somethin' like that and just expect a guy to forget 'bout it." He spoke as he flipped the headlights of the truck on. Brightening the road we were traveling down.

"Well it was stupid of me to have said it in the first place Daryl." I muttered, as I ran my hand down my face in frustration.

I was hoping Daryl would drop this, and just focus on getting us back to the group. But when I felt the truck slowing down I knew that hope was only a dream, and obviously he really wanted to talk about this.

Keeping my eyes on the road, I watched as he pulled the truck down a dirt path leading us off the main street. Driving us into a small wooded area that kept the truck concealed.

My heart was beating through my chest when he finally turned off the engine. The palms of my hands were sweaty and it felt like I was going to explode. I've never felt like this before and the only reason why I did was because of one person... Daryl Dixon. He was the one person I cared for in this world and I could have just screwed it up with my big mouth.

"Why ye say its stupid?" After a few moments of silence Daryl spoke.

When I didn't answer him, he gripped my arm roughly and turned me so I was facing him. His eyes were turned down and his lips drawn into a thin line. Making my heart sink even more.

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