Chapter 20

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"You... You can't be serious Daryl." Carols words were quiet, as she pushed her way past Rick. Her arms crossed over her chest, as she held herself in worry. "You wouldn't just leave the group. You belong here Daryl."

When I felt his muscles tense at her words, I turned my gaze up at him. I knew Carol was like a surrogate mother to him, so I wasn't sure what he was gonna say.

"What group?" He asked her."If the governor comes back, there ain't gonna be no group."

Carols mouth opened as if she had something to say, but she quickly closed it. Just giving a simple nod at Daryl, understanding the circumstances involved. Daryl was right though, there will be no group if the governor comes back and it's not a matter of if he comes back, it's a matter of when he comes back. We... Well I destroyed his little town and he wants revenge.

"It's up to you Rick." I shrugged, leaving the decision completely in his hands.

Looking at me for several moments, he finally raised his hands up in surrender.

"You're in charge." Apprehension was all throughout his voice, but he still agreed to it.

"Where the hell is she?" Rolling my eyes, I heard Shane's angry voice fill the cell block. "She fucking hit me." He growled as he made his way into the center of the group, his eyes landing on me.

Daryl quickly took a step in front of me, putting some space between Shane and I. But I didn't need his protection, I could handle these things for myself. Frankly I needed to handle these situations now, or Rick would regret his decision.

"I hit you because you are an ass and deserve it." I glared, stepping around Daryl and pushing my way over to Shane. Watching and feeling everyone tensing up as I got closer. "But I'm in charge now."

"What?!" He yelled out in disbelief as his hands raised in the air.

"You either do what I say, or I'll will lock you in your cell until this is over." I threatened, lifting my hands up, shifting them in the air. Acting like I was weighing his options.

"Rick you can't be serious." Ignoring me completely he stormed in Ricks direction. His shoulders hunched over as his breathing became more erratic. "You can't let this.... This monster run this group." He shouted and threw an arm in my direction.

All the while Rick was trying to calm Shane down but I didn't care at this point. Shane was a loose cannon and he was a threat to this group now, more than ever.

"She's trying to help Shane." Ricks hand went out and grabbed his shoulder, trying to calm him down still. "She knows what we are dealing with, we don't. Give her a chance brother."

My ears perked hearing Rick call Shane his brother. You would never guess they were that close. I mean with all the arguing, yelling and the constant back and forth about who's ideas were better, it just didn't seem possible for them to be connected like that. Yet again, this world has changed people for the worse and I'm sure Shane and Rick weren't immune to that.

"No." He just shook his head and pulled away from Rick. Turning around his eyes fell on me as if I was the devil himself before trudging off into the cell block. "You're all crazy for trusting her, so don't come crying to me when shit hits the fan." His angered voice echoed the room before he slammed the metal door shut behind him.

Heaving a heavy sigh, I looked back at the everyone. Rick seemed to be torn between helping the group and kicking me out to appease Shane. But in the end he knew that I was the best for this. I knew the enemy and I knew how he worked. So if there was any hope in coming out of this battle alive, I needed to take charge.

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