Chapter 36

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Firstly I want to apologize for the lateness! I've had this Hal done but I kept forgetting to post it! And secondly I'm thinking of doing another Rated R chapter soon, what do you all think?!

Well that's enough chit chat from me, I'll let you read first!


We continued our desperate flea through the stakes of crates, all the while the noises of the walkers behind us getting louder. You could hear their bodies bumping into the wooden planks of the boxes, and their groans echoed off the walls of the warehouse. Making it feel as of they were surrounding you, swarming you. That at any moment you'd turn a corner, or look over your shoulder seeing them running after you.

"Any idea how we gonna get out of this?" Merle's haggard voice quietly said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"We ain't leaving through the front, and we ain't leaving through the back." Daryl mumbled as he pushed me in front of him. Trying to keep some distance between the walkers and myself, if any where about to come barreling around the corner.

"Give me your bow." In an mere instance, I had an idea. An idea that was could work, or it could blow up in my face. But it was something.

"What?" Daryl looked at me skeptically, unsure of what I was suggesting.

"Never mind, I'll use mine. We might not get it back after all." I let out a nervous chuckle. Feeling my semi confident self come back. Is it sad that I'm not afraid in situations where my life is in danger. Sure I get freaked at first but then it's like some switch its flipped inside of me. A switch that turns me from scared little girl to fearless women, who doesn't let the idea of death get in her way.

Shaking my head, I pulled my bow in front of me. I could feel the anxious eyes of the guys as I checked the strings of my bow. Plucking them with my fingers making sure they were strong enough to do what I was thinking up.

"We ain't go all day Had." Daryl said impatiently. Causing me to gaze up at him, seeing his lips pulled into a thin line. His eyes narrowed and hooded. But I could see he was getting concerned.

"I'm trying." I breathed out and ran over to the nearest crate. Trying to hurry up, knowing that any moment the walkers could be right behind us.

My feet pushed me up the wooden sides smoothly. Once I was up high enough, I gazed around the warehouse. My eyes darting around looking for a large window that was far enough away from us. When I spotted it, I narrowed my eyes in its direction and set my bow down on top of the crate.

Slowly turning it so the crosshairs where in the direct center of the window. If I missed, they'd know we were in here. Because if I didn't hit the center, the window wouldn't shatter completely. It would break into pieces, allowing them to figure out what shot through it.

"I want you to go to the window over there." Holding myself against the wooden slats of the crate, I peered over my shoulder at the guys. "When I shoot this bow, break the window and run to the truck."

"Are ye fucking crazy!" Daryl almost shouted, but quickly dropped his voice low. "Ye ain't savin' the day Had, I ain't letting ye." He sternly looked at me as if I was a child and he was a parent scolding me for my idea.

"I'm not saving the day." I growled lowly. "You just have to trust me." My eyes softened slightly, knowing I had snapped at Daryl, but who wouldn't. It was a high pressure, high stress situation and he had to question me.

I knew it was because he cared, but in this situation caring gets you fucking killed.

"C'mon!" Shane gripped Daryl's upper arm dragging him towards the window. Merle followed along behind him, his eyes looking at me for some sort of doubt.

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