Chapter 32

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I ran a shaky hand down my face, as I exhaled the large breath I was holding. Phillip Blake, of course it had to be him, it couldn't have been some random person who probably already died and that I didn't know. Unfortunately for myself, the luck I seemed to be dealt was a son of a bitch that enjoyed making my life a complete hell hole.

"Are ye gonna tell the others?" Hearing Daryl's voice brought me out of my thoughts. Tilting my head in his direction I studied his face for a few seconds before shaking my head.

"I don't think so." As I told him, I pushed the stacks of paper together cleaning up the floor a bit. "They need normal, and I can't give them that. I'd rather keep it a secret and just carry on like nothing happened. I don't want to be the reason we have to leave again."

He just gave an understanding nod and placed his hand gently on my thigh. We had it good here, I mean I haven't seen much of the place but from the conversations Daryl and I had, it seemed pretty secure. He told me a barbed wire fence, encased the yard and it was strong enough to hold back several walkers at a time. There was plenty of things to hunt, and he said there was a small lake on the property were we could fish if we couldn't shoot any bigger game. Overall this was better than the prison and I didn't want to be the reason we lost this place.

"Guys you awake?" Not even pulling away from each other we both looked over at Glenn poking his head up cautiously through the hole in the floor.

"Yep." I smiled and watched his head come up the rest of the way. A small grin tugging at his lips as if he had something to say, and knowing Glenn he was going to say it no matter what.

"What ye looking at?" Daryl huffed as we watched the smile grow bigger on Glenn's face.

"Nothing." He smirked shaking his head quickly. "Merle was betting you two would be up here having sex. But clearly you two are being nerds and just reading." He all but laughed, which cause both Mine and Daryl's smile to fall.

"Glad you find that amusing." I rolled my eyes. Not to mention I was getting sick of people calling me a nerd. First Daryl, now Glenn, who's going to be next Carl?

"What ye want?" Shaking my head I got out of my thoughts just long enough to hear Daryl ask the most important question.

Glenn's fingers lightly drummed against the wooden floor as he gazed at the both of us. He seemed to be thinking to himself which was only making Daryl more irritated. He was never one to wait for an answer. After a few moments though, he finally decided to talk.

"Merle wants you to go hunting with him." Glenn addressed Daryl, and ignored the fact I was still in the room.

"Tell em' I'll be right there." He said and Glenn gave a nod, before starting his way down the ladder again. But before he left completely, I wanted to know if there was anything I could do.

"Glenn!" I shouted, causing his head to pop up again, but this time I could only see his eyes and the top of his cap. "Is there anything I can help with?" I asked, hoping there was so stupid medial task I could do.

"No." He shook his head as he spoke. Great... "You look like crap, so you could go back to sleep." He smiled evilly at me. Causing me to reach out and grab the nearest pillow and chuck it at his head.

Luckily for him it missed and bounced off the wall. As he descended down the ladder I heard his laughter echo off the walls, making me glare at the empty space Glenn used to occupy.

"He's right Had." Daryl grinned, knowing he was pushing his luck with me. "But I have to go see Merle, see ye later." Leaning over to me he pushed his lips against mine before he pulled away and all but sprinted out of my sight.

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