Part 13

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Taehyung's cute.

Like really, really cute.

That's what I've decided when I saw countless doodles of Yeontan on his planner.

The planner that he always brought in and scribbled on during meetings.

So this was what made him looked so focused in the meetings, when in actuality he didn't.

"What are you looking at?" Jimin took a seat beside me as I looked at the book.

Taehyung left it on the meeting table as he rushed out to go to the toilet, and told me to stay and wait until he came back while leaving the book opened.

"Yeontan," showing him the page full of doodles, Jimin chuckled before he asked me.

"You've met Yeontan before, right?" he took a seat as well, not rushing since it's the end of the day already.

And he's waiting for his boyfriend to fetch him up too.

"No, his owner never showed him to me before," shaking my head to the question, still looking at the planner.

I never did see this puppy when I was with Taehyung before.

I didn't know why he didn't let me meet his puppy.

Maybe because he didn't want the small baby to get attached to some stranger or something?

Or he just wanted me to know my place and not forget that I was just at his place because of the contract?

I don't know.

But it saddened me a little.

"Let's meet him then. You want to meet Tannie, right?" Taehyung was back and suddenly asked that question, joining the conversation easily.

"Uh - yes - no? Not exactly. I mean, I can just see him from your brother's updates -" I replied, picking up my phone that was already unlocked with a photo of Yeontan shown on the screen, that was obtained from Namjoon's Instagram post.

I wanted to compare the doodles and the real thing just for fun.

And Taehyung was quite a great artist I'd say.

"Why not mine? Most of my updates and posts are about Yeontan," Taehyung frowned and pouted, looking all disappointed that I didn't use his posts as reference.

"I - Uh -"

"She didn't follow you, Tae" Jimin snickered as he exposed me, I widened my eyes at Jimin for being such a brat.

"I -"

"Get me her phone," Taehyung instructed Jimin, and in a split second the phone moved hands from me to Jimin, and was handed to Taehyung who quickly typed something on the screen.

"There. Done," he passed me back the phone showing his page which I had now followed and approved, and I could see he was telling the truth.

His page was full of Yeontan's pictures.

But this was quite rude.

They took my phone just like that.

This is an invasion of privacy.

"Excuse me?" crossing my arms in front of my chest looking at the two friends, I raised my eyebrows in question but they didn't even pretend to look sorry for doing what they did earlier.

"And I'll wait for you at the lobby. I'll bring you to meet Yeontan today," Taehyung was all smiles while Jimin had the same reaction, and both males were ready to leave the room now.

"Yeontan's really cute, Y/N. You'll fell in love with him as soon as you see the big guy," Jimin said, even though I said nothing about agreeing to Taehyung's plan.

"I -"

"Send my regards to Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung," Jimin patted my shoulder, and Taehyung looked as if he just realized something.

"Oh, right. They're coming for dinner. Then you'll be joining us for dinner as well, Y/N"

"Uh no, thank you?" I managed to muttered out, but was totally ignored by the two.

"You'll love Seokjin hyung's cooking, Y/N. Trust me," Jimin added again just like I had agreed and he left the room after getting a call from Jungkook, leaving the two of us alone in the room.

"You know what? Let's just go now," after a few seconds of silence, Taehyung decided with his boxy smile that lit up the whole room and took my wrist, pulling me to follow him out the room to get my belongings.

What's happening?

Did they planned this beforehand?

Do I even have a say in this?


Free food and cute puppy wouldn't hurt, I guess.

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