Part 16

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Taehyung waited by his car as I was spending my time at my parent's graves.

When he sent me home yesterday, he asked to come with me.


"I have something to say to them," he said, and I tilted my head at him from the passenger seat.

"What is it?" asking the male who kept his eyes on the road while he controlled the steering wheel skilfully, I wondered how it felt to be driving such a fancy car.

It must've been nice.

"You'll know tomorrow," he smiled, and I just shrugged my shoulder, giving him permission to go to my parents since there's nothing wrong with it anyways.

Flashback ended

It turned out that he apologized for trying to demolish the house and used it to make a contract with me.

He looked pained as he confessed and apologized, and I think he cried a little, just like how he cried when he drunk called Jungkook before.

His honesty made my heart beat faster, and I couldn't deny my feelings for him anymore.

Looking at how handsome he looked in his black suit as he rested his back by his car, I chuckled before giving my focus back to my parents.

"Mom, dad. He did make me cry, but I still like him. Handsome, isn't he?" dusting away the fallen leaves from their tombstones, I smiled as my head filled with the thoughts of Taehyung even when he was just a few meters away.

"He's been kind to me lately and have been trying to win me again properly, but I don't know,"

"I don't know what to do,"

"He seemed sincere...should I just follow my heart?" forming a smile on my face, I stared to my parents tombstones in silence, just feeling the calm breeze that was brushing through, without actually expecting any answer.

"I am sincere," Taehyung suddenly spoke as he was back by my side, and I felt shy for getting caught still talking about him to my parents.

"Hello again ma'am, sir. I forgot earlier, but I want you to know that I liked Y/N sincerely from the bottom of my heart since the first time I saw her, and I am hoping to get her to like me back,"

He suddenly confessed his likes towards me this time, and I felt my cheeks heating up as I imagined how mom and dad would tease me to death for having such a straightforward man going for me.

"I really like her, I really do" Taehyung glanced my way and locked eyes with me for a second before he diverted his eyes back to the tombstones, and I felt his confession struck deep into my heart.

"I miss her even when she's here with me, I miss her even more when she's not in my sight" he continued while I was still speechless, but his words kept sticking to my head easily.

"I'm not sure if she looks more like her mom or her dad, but your daughter is the prettiest lady I've ever seen in my life. She made me starstruck, no one is prettier than her" Taehyung chuckled as he joined to sit by my side, not caring if his branded suit was dirtied by the dew on the grass.

"I really love her, please do help me in winning your girl's heart. I promise I'll take good care of her until the day I die. I promise," his voice suddenly turned serious after sounding so casual earlier, and I knew my cheeks were red by now.

"Kim Taehyung, are you for real?"

"I am. I'm not going to lie in front of your parents. I'm really serious. And it's good to hear my name from your mouth," he smiled gorgeously just because I called him by his name, and my heart was totally drawn to him by now.

Mom, dad, I'm following my heart, okay?

"Alright, I'll give you the chance you wanted," I blurted out the words from my mouth, and Taehyung's eyes lit up so bright at them.

"You can't go back on your words, okay? Your parents are our witnesses," he turned his body to face me, and took my hand in his excitedly, like a boy being promised a game console he had been wanting all his life.

"I won't," looking to my parents tombstones before looking back at Taehyung, my heart felt at ease now that I was acting exactly like how I felt.

It was hard for me to stop myself from liking him when I already fell in so deep.

And accepting my feelings now eased my heart and mind significantly.

"Thank you. I'll make you the happiest woman in the world, I'll make you fall for me, and then I'll ask your hand for marriage," he spoke fluent, and I was a little taken aback at the last point, but Taehyung didn't let go of my hands.

He held them tight, only determination filled his eyes as he stared at me.


"Yes. I want no one but you, to live the rest of my life with," he spoke calm, and the heat that just went away creeped up my cheeks again at how confident he sounded.

"I'm not sure if I can - uh - promise that" muttering out soft the truth since I haven't think that far, Taehyung smiled even though I said that.

"It's okay. I'm just telling you my plan beforehand so that you can get ready," he told, and I raised my eyebrows a little at his ambiguous statement.

"Ready for what?"

"Ready to be charmed by me. Shall we go home now?" he grinned his beautiful boxy smile easily, and I felt my heart skipped a beat that I could see no one but him in front of me.

But then I blinked, and turned to my parents at our side.

"Already?" the word left my mouth without me knowing, and Taehyung widened his eyes as he realized that we were still with my parents right now.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. You must've had more things to talk to your parents. I'll go back and wait at the car. See you later ma'am, sir. I'll be visiting everytime I made progress with Y/N. I'll let you guys know before Y/N could, I promise!" he quickly stood up and left me all alone with my parents, and the surrounding felt too quiet all of a sudden.

Wish the best for your daughter okay, mom, dad?

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