Chapter 43 [Edited]

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Chapter 43

       I hated the smell of hospitals and the feeling of being in one. It was bad enough having to come in for a check up but even worse when you're left in anticipation, waiting for news on a loved one. Natalia was sat in the waiting room. As she looked up at us it was easy to tell that she was scared, her face and arm was covered in dirt and cuts. Logan sat down on one of the chairs beside her and Connor sat down on the other one. "Natalia, what happened?" Logan asked.

          "I- I-" Natalia started but she was cut off by her sobs. Connor wrapped his arms around his sister and held her as she cried. It reminded me of when Mason and I held each other not too long ago while we mourned our parents death, "it was him,"


"Nicklaus?" Logan asked and she nodded.

"What happened?" Colton asked her.

           "We- we were driving and then out of the blue a car hit us. The car flipped over. I- I couldn't get out at first but then Liam helped me. Then Nicklaus showed up he was angry that me and Connor let Katherine out. He said I have to pay for my mistake. He shot at me but missed when Liam took the bullet. He got so angry, his wolf took over, he flung the car at me. Liam quickly came in. The car hit him. His wolf wasn't strong enough to handle it because Nicklaus was angry and his Alpha which meant he was stronger. The car came at us with so much force." She sobbed again, "it's all my fault. He was trying to save me!"

Logan shook his head,"No Natalia it's not your fault. Liam's going to survive. I'm sure of it,"

She looked up at her mate, "But-"

"But nothing Natalia," she looked down and he sighed, "I'm sorry I snapped at you. Let's get you washed, okay?" She nodded and they got up. "Katherine call me if anything happens?"

         I nodded but said nothing I knew my voice would be shaky, my hands were trembling slightly but I hid them away. I was worried about Liam, he had to make it through! We were sat for what felt like hours. Natalia and Logan had come back, the dirt and cuts that had covered her body had faded, her body was starting to heal. "This is taking far too long," Colton complained. I could sense that he was worried as well.

"I know." I breathed as I put my head on his shoulders.

The doctor finally came out with some papers in his hand, "Stephen." Colton called, the doctor stopped and looked at us.

"Alpha." Stephen greeted.

"We can skip the formalities." Colton told him sternly. "What's the situation with Liam?"

        Stephen sighed and looked at us with worried expressions, "His situation is very critical. The force and mass of the object along with the injury from the bullet is putting him at serious risk."

          My vision become slightly blurry, my eyes were stinging because of my tears but I blinked them away, "but- but he'll be alright, right?" I asked him. Stephen said nothing and looked down, "he has to be alright! It's Liam! He can survive this you have to help him," my body was shaking and I was aware that my claws were out, the were digging into my flesh as I had them clenched. I was close to shifting when Colton touched me. His touch calmed me down slightly.

"Calm down Katherine. Yelling is not going to help," He whispered soothingly into my ear and I took a few deep breaths.

"I have to get more equipment and medication. I'll head straight back to Liam after I have grabbed them all. I'll try my best." Once he walked away I cried on Colton's shoulder.

Persuade me Mr Alpha {Re- editing}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя