Chapter 18 [Edited]

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Chapter 18

           "Where are you taking me?" I asked Colton once again as I touched my blindfold. I was currently sat in the passenger seat of Mason's car with Colton driving me. After finishing off tons of pancakes Colton insisted on taking me somewhere but despite my protests he had blindfolded me and literally dragged me away.

 "It's a surprise," Colton answered, yet again.

 "Have I told you how much I hate surprises?"

 "Yes. Lots of times."

 "You know, just putting it out there!"

             After five minutes or so the car came to a halt and I heard a door being open and then shut. A strong breeze hit me on my side and I realised that my door was open. Colton took my hand in his to help me out of the car and the touch sent electricity hitting every nerve in my body. We walked further on until we came to a stop and my blindfold was taken off. I opened my eyes and my vision was slightly blurred but soon they had returned to normal.

 "The planetarium?" I asked confused when I looked at Colton a grin was placed on his face.

        "Yep," he answered popping the 'p' and took my hand in his again, "come on," he dragged me inside and it was empty. He took me into the observatory where they would put on shows and speeches. I looked up at the dome like ceiling where twinkling stars were shining bright and a gasp left my mouth as I stared at the stars in awe, "this is beautiful," I whispered as I felt him let go of my arm.

          "That's not all," Colton stated with a handsome smile that almost turned my leg into jell-o "watch!" I looked up and saw that my name was now spelt with stars and I smiled brightly and then a picture of the our solar system came up but instead of the sun in the middle it was a picture of me which made me laugh. "This is to show that despite what people and scientist say about the sun being the centre of our universe, you're the centre of mine," I blushed slightly and smiled at him, "and I just wanted you to know that."

              quick think of something to say! "I'm pretty sure you got the idea off 90210" he laughed at that but didn't comment further as he walked towards me, "but it was sweet. I can't believe you actually did that for me the old Colton would never have done that"

 "I'm changing for the best, for you Katherine,"

 "Well... I like the new Colton much better."

 He smiled, "would now be a good time to ask you out?"

          I looked at him wide eyed, "Colton I'm- I kinda- I'm going out with Logan on Friday... On a date." He clenched his jaw.


"Yeah I-"

              "But I'm your mate! There's no point in dating him if I'm here and trying to work my arse off to get you to like me. I'm trying so hard Katherine and you dating Logan isn't going to help show that," I blinked not knowing what to say.

          "I know how hard you're working but I promised him I'll go on this date with him I can't just say no because of one good thing you've done," he didn't say anything and I sighed, "I'm sorry this might seem like a waste of time now"

           "No. Nothing is a waste of time when it comes to you," I gave him a small smile and turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around causing my body to crash into his and I looked up into his eyes as he looked down at me.

                "Colton what are you-" he bent down and quickly placed his lips on mine shutting me up. We shouldn't be doing this but I couldn't help and respond to his kiss and that sent the sparks flying. His lips softly moved against mine and I moved mine in sync. The kiss turned from soft and slow to more rough and passionate as I stood on my tip toes for better access and wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist securely refusing to let go at all. His tongue swept against my lips and I granted him what he wanted. I gave in to him. I gave him more. Then he pushed me against the pillar on the side as his hands trailed from my waist, skimmed my breasts and he clutched my face pushing me closer to him. Soon enough we were running out of oxygen so we pulled away panting heavily. My eyes fluttered open as I stopped tip toeing and looked up at him, to see him staring at me lustfully through his blue eyes that had turned a shade darker.

Persuade me Mr Alpha {Re- editing}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora