Chapter 33 [Edited]

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 Chapter 33

"Hello?" I asked through the phone once I was in my room and away from the loud crowd of people that were sorting out their orders.

"Katherine?" A voice asked over the phone, a very familiar voice. Wow we haven't spoken in a very long time.

"Mum?" I asked, my voice was slightly shaky and I could feel my eyes slightly blur.

"Yes, Honey it's me." Hearing my mums voice almost made me cry. I haven't heard her voice in so long.

"How did you get my number?"

"Mason gave it to me."

"I- I... Wow we haven't spoken in ages."

        "I know. You know how much we've been missing you, how long we waited to hear your voice to know your safe and then one day your brother calls saying that he just met you and you've changed."

I smiled, "I missed you too Mum. I'm so sorry we lost touch! I have changed but in a good way where's Dad?" My voice was getting even more shaky. I was trying so hard not to cry.

"Here, hang on, I'll hand it to him."

I heard the phone getting passed down, "Katherine?" My Dad's voice asked over the phone. "Oh god! I thought something happened to you all those years."

Tears started swelling up in my eyes and I sniffed "I'm so sorry Dad. I'm safe I promise." 

"Are you happy?" 

"Yes, I'm very happy at the Shadow pack,"

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" 

"I was so unhappy. I just had to get away. I didn't think twice but I'm happy here, Dad. They're my family." 

"I'm glad you're happy, Katherine. You deserve all the happiness in the word,"

"I love you Dad. Why didn't you come here with the Midnight Pack?"

"Because we wanted to live a normal life not as werewolf."


"We don't live with the pack anymore Katherine."

"Oh. When can I see you?"

"How about this weekend?"

My eyes widened, that was quick."What? Dad I don't live in England anymore. I can't just drive down."

"Please? Me and your Mother have already booked your flight for Friday night that is for American time."

"I- I don't know Dad it's so soon and rushed."

"I know but please."

I couldn't ignore my Dad's pleads especially since I was desperate to see my parents. "Fine. I'll tell everyone and get my stuff ready for Friday."

"Thank you, Honey, see you soon."

     We hanged up the phone and I looked around my room, why so soon? However I rushed downstairs and told everyone the good news and they looked surprised. I called Mum and Dad back and it turns out they only booked one ticket for me so I have to go back to England by myself, great. I still had my doubts about why Mum and Dad wanted me there so soon but I put that at the back of my mind. I mean they are my parents and I was excited to see them.

                                                                                 * * *

          The next day Lucy, Alice and I went back to school. Wow we haven't been here in ages. As I walked into Biology by myself I noticed a familiar blonde haired girl and approached her. "Hey Summer is this seat taken?" I asked her.

Persuade me Mr Alpha {Re- editing}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin