Chapter 9: Meeting in the Stateroom Pt.1

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There was creepy, as in "unsettling." 

Then, there was creepy, as in "ominous."

That was followed by "shivers running down your spine."

And, finally, there was walking into the admiralty suite on the ship and having your eyes land on the ancient coffin thrumming with energy on the velvet dais in the back, the power emanating from it so cold I felt it running through the air. 

I felt like there were centipedes, maggots, and spiders scuttling and writhing over my skin, and fought down the shiver and urge I had to release my magic and obliterate the golden sarcophagus that was Kronos in the back of the room. 

The sensation passed, but the shadow that cocooned the room didn't and I felt my magic rising unconsciously to shield me and shoved it down. 

Kronos, no matter how insubstantial, was literally in the corner of the room. 

I couldn't let even a speck of power slip, or I was dead. 

"Oh, hey, Ri, you're already here," Luke said as he swung open the double oak doors of the stateroom. 

I forced a smile to my face, though I knew my eyes were probably shadowed. "Yeah. The lieutenant can't be late, can she?" 

They were here.

Agrius followed Luke closely, baring his teeth in warning at Oreius who had already been waiting obediently in the corner, his bronze javelin in his hand. "Are you sure this gamble will pay off?" 

"Stop pushing me, Agrius," Luke snapped, shoving the doors closed. "How many times do I have to tell you? They'll take the bait!" 


"Stop it," I said, drawing myself up and glaring at Agrius. "Stop questioning him. Have you forgotten who you're speaking to?" 

Agrius mumbled an apology and stomped to the other side of the dais, taking his position as guard. 

Luke sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. "To business. How's the casket?" he asked me, nodding at the golden sarcophagus. 

I fought down a shiver and replied calmly, "Nothing new. Ally's the only one to have joined in the past week and she hasn't sworn her oath yet." 

"Right, Ally," Luke said, sitting down on one of the plush velvet sofas in the middle of the room. He beckoned me to join him, and I sat promptly on the one facing him. 

Really, Ri? his eyes seemed to say as they met mine. 

I shrugged. I ain't sitting next to you. Not here. 

"When do you want to have her initiation?" Luke asked, leaning back in resignation. "She's been here for a week. I think it's probably time." 

"Yeah," I agreed. "Tomorrow? Or later today?" 

"The sooner the better, don't you think?" Luke pointed out. "With every addition, he grows stronger. So far, we've had over a dozen join. Thanks to you, Anna," he added, smiling softly at me. 

"I'm just serving the Lord," I said, forcing honeyed words out of my throat. "It's my job after all." I fought the urge to gag, though the lie came smoothly out. Ugh. Sucking up had never been my strong suit, but well, with the essence of Him in the corner, there was no choice. That was why, though the stateroom was beautiful with the huge, open view of the sea and sky, I hated it here, much preferring to discuss things with Luke and the others over lunch, though it created a very gloomy mood. 

"If I may," I said, adding a bit of uncertainty to my voice, "I'm not entirely sure about what the prophecy is entailing though. I mean-"

"Don't worry about it, Ri," Luke said. "We've been over this. We don't even fully grasp it ourselves, but at least we've heard the prophecy. Percy is still blissfully unaware of it. He has no idea what will happen and doesn't know which way to turn. And now that Chiron's gone-"

"How can you be sure of that?" Agrius rumbled from the corner, his canines poking out from his muzzle. 

Luke chuckled darkly. "Him? Oh, with his family history, he can't be trusted. Do you think the gods care that Chiron has brought up the greatest heroes in history? No," he snorted, "not with him as his father. The poisoning of the tree was the last push." 

They were here. I could feel it. 

"Quiet!" Agrius hissed, his eyes darting to the door. "Intruders." 

"Are you sure?" Luke whispered, standing up

I quietly leaped to my feet, my gaze meeting Luke's. "I can sense them." 

Luke nodded and, suddenly, sprang forward, flinging the doors open, Agrius and Oreius launching themselves after him, revealing Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson standing smack-dab in the middle of the hallway, looking like terrified deer caught in the headlight of a hunter's rifle. 

"Well well well, look at that. My two favourite cousins. Come on in," Luke said, smirking. 

I was facing the windows, my back to the three as Agrius and Oreius ushered them in at spear-point, and took a slow breath to compose myself. 

"Sit," I heard Luke say, though I knew no one sat. 

The tension filling the air was so thick I could have sliced it with my whip, and I could literally feel the hatred emanating from Percy in waves so strong it was a miracle this ship was still floating on the sea. 

I really, really really hope I survive today, I thought, unsure if my composure could hold up when the direction of Percy's anger became pinned on me. 

"Why, I haven't even introduced you to my company yet," Luke said, his voice like velvet. "These two are my assistants, Agrieus and Oreius. Maybe you know them. And finally," 

I heard the triumphant smile he couldn't quite conceal as he turned his gaze to me, still standing at the window, and said, "Ri, dear, please introduce yourself to our beloved guests." 


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