Chapter 29: The Cliff

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"Two extremely powerful demigods in Maine," Luke mused quietly as we headed out the seaside inn we were currently staying at. "And you want to go and get them?"

I nodded, holding out my hand in silent order. "Yeah. I mean, if I have a dream about them, then they're obviously important."

Luke clasped my hand and I pulled the mist around us, emerging once again before the wall of fog leading to the Garden of the Hesperides.

"Hmm. Well, we can ask the General first, and then see," Luke conceded, letting go of my hand. "You ready?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath to steel myself, and stepped into the mist.


"You're late," Atlas growled from beneath the sky as Luke and I emerged from the ruins of the palace, which, to my chagrin, had formed even further.

"My apologies, General," Luke murmured, both of us bowing. "There were . . . issues that came up."

"What issues?" Atlas grumbled, pinning him with his stare.

"I had a dream, my lord," I interjected. "There are two very powerful demigods in Maine, and I was discussing with Luke about me retrieving them. I'm sorry for the delay."

"Hmph," Atlas said, though the dangerous swirl of energy that had started emanating from him when we arrived subsided. "And will you be going?"

"If you will it," I replied.

Atlas smiled in satisfaction. "We already have someone there, girl. I sent one of our agents, Thorn, to Westover Hall at the start of September."

Shit, shit, shit, I thought. That's not good. I can't let two children of Hades fall into Kronos' clutches. And a manticore at that.

Thinking fast, I said, "Sir, I'm sure you're right, but isn't three and a half months a long time to retrieve two demigods? What if -"

"Rianna, what are you doing?" Luke hissed, cutting me off.

"I want to go after them," I said clearly, meeting Atlas's grey stare. "I'm not sure if I trust a monster, no matter who, to go after two demigods without any mishaps. Especially powerful ones, because satyrs from camp would have also been sent."

Atlas nodded thoughtfully. "I see your point. Very well, you may go."

"J-just like that?" I stammered, my eyes darting to Luke and then back to Atlas. "I can just go? Like, now?"

"Yes. Go, now," he commanded. "We'll be awaiting your return."


"Are you out of your mind?" Luke said once we were off the mountain. He grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him. "Ri, what are you doing?"

"Luke, I can't let any more demigods go through the hell we've experienced. Who knows what a monster might do?"

"So you're just going to magick yourself over to the other side of this country?"

"How else am I supposed to get there?"

"You can't just up and leave at the drop of a hat! What am I supposed to-"

Ah. There it was. "Stop worrying about me," I whispered, pressing my fingers to his lips to cut him off. "I'll be fine."

"I know, I know," Luke replied, "but . . . Maine."

"Well, Atlas commanded me," I shrugged. "So I really have no choice now, do I?"

Luke hissed in frustration but sighed in defeat. "Fine. Just - Just be careful, and please come back in one piece."

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