Chapter 21: Sparks Pt. 2

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A/N: Before anything, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who had been reading this. It's never easy to write fanfiction, and sometimes, it gets harder than usual. The past month of July was absolutely insane for me, not because the story was hard to write, but just because I had so much going on in my life.

But you guys really motivated me to keep on writing, and for that, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who's been with me on this story. Also, I'd like to give a special shoutout to: 


Thank you guys so much for sticking with me from the beginning, or at least, somewhat beginning :) From the first chapter of First Lie to this one, you've reminded me why I keep writing every week. This story wouldn't be here without you guys, so thank you so much! 

P.S. This chapter is very long, but I don't think you guys will mind ;)


"Oh my gods," Alex said, his mouth dropping open in awe as arrows of light shot up into the sky, creating crackling images of ancient Greek heroes and their adventures in the sky. Alabaster and I shared a grin as we watched our younger brother staring at the frames of animation, his eyes wide.

"Amazing, isn't it?" I asked, nudging him.

"Yeah," Alex replied, tearing his gaze away from the fireworks to look at me, a huge grin on his face. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Well, let's hope our magic can change your mind," Alabaster said playfully, ruffling his hair.

There was a beat of silence as the last firework exploded into a shower of sparks, the sky going dark once again.

"Wow," Alex finally said, breaking the silence. "That was amazing."

I glanced over to where the rest of the demigods under both mine and Alabaster's command were gathered, Nicole watching them. Ally was on patrol duty with Chris, and Luke was somewhere holed up in his suite or the command room doing gods knew what.

Steering, I supposed, as the ship started to move away from camp, heading out of the Sound.

"You go find Luke," Alabaster said after a few minutes over the sound of lapping waves. "Alex and I can handle the rest. I know you're going to be busy." He grinned at me knowingly.

I was grateful for the darkness that hid the bloom of pink across my cheek and glared at him. "Yeah? And what about you?"

"What do you mean, what about me?"

"Oh please, brother dear, did you think I wouldn't catch you glancing at Colie the entire time we've been out here?" With that, I spun on my heel and stalked off deck, nodding once to Nicole as I passed her.

"You can go join them," I added, stabbing my thumb over my shoulder at my brothers. "I'm going to go find Luke."

"Okay," Nicole shrugged, a confused expression on her face as she glanced between me and Alabaster, who was staring after me, his mouth agape like a fish.

I smiled at her and pushed open the glass door, heading into the ship. I had no clue where Luke was, though the best bet would be the stateroom. Or his cabin.

"It's one of those two," I sighed to myself. "I'll go to the stateroom first since it's closer."

I peeked inside through the oak doors and sighed. Nope. Not here. Just Kronos' creepy golden casket. I shoved down the shiver that ran down my spine and quickly closed the door, shoving the image of how the moonlight had reflected off the golden casket like some sort of magical halo.

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