Holiday Special:

210 13 27

A/N: Happy holidays everyone!!!! To all those who are celebrating, Merry Christmas. And to everyone else, happy holidays! 

Today's update is going to be a Christmas special, and I just want to put as a disclaimer that this chapter is UNRELATED to the actual storyline. It's just a fun little something for the holidays. 

To everyone reading this who is a student, I hope you've been enjoying winter break so far because there's still a week left. 

Remember to stay safe and do your best to keep away from other people, especially with the new Omicron variant and cases going up in Canada and the rest of the world, and I hope, despite everything, you've been able to enjoy a much needed holiday and break. 

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and see you in 2022! 


I peered out my cabin window and couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. Grabbing my hat, mitts, and coat, I crept past Avalanche, who cracked open a sleepy golden eye before burrowing her snout into her tail, and opened the oak door. Silently, I made my way past the other cabins, letting myself linger for a moment before Luke's door before continuing, and headed towards the exit to the deck. 

The ship was silent. All the demigods were sleeping, and the constant roar and clashing of the monsters were gone since they were all on the mountain. I smiled, thinking of the festivities that were taking place today and the delicious food the chefs were no doubt cooking up in the cafeteria. 

But first . . . I quickened my pace as I rounded the final hall and the sliding glass doors to the deck finally came into view. I paused for a moment, sliding my arms into my coat, zipped it up, shoved on my hat and mitts, and wrapped a scarf around my neck. I stood there for a moment, letting the warmth of the layers of clothing wrap around me like a cocoon, and when I started feeling a bit too warm with the additional heating inside the ship, I stepped out onto the deck. 

The fresh scent of pine immediately filled my nose as I inhaled, coming from the small pots of evergreens and holly Ally planted around the deck. Their branches were covered in a thin blanket of snow, much like the fluffy layer that coated the ship. From the railings and the overhangs, icicles, dazzling with the light of the early morning sun, hung, sparkling and crystalline. 

As if in a trance, I stepped towards the railing, sending little swirls of snow into the air every time I took a step. The seaside village whose port we were docked at came into view, and the sight of the sleepy homes, their roofs covered in a blanket of fresh snow as snowflakes swirled through the air, took my breath away. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a soft voice said from behind me, and before I could turn around, a warm body pressed against my back and arms looped across my chest, hugging me. "Like you." 

"L-Luke," I stammered, grateful that my back was to him so he couldn't see the pink blush across my cheeks. 

"Are you just going to stand here the entire morning?" Luke whispered against my ear after a minute of silence as I stared out at the village and their twinkling lights, trying to ignore the warm presence at my back. 

"Well, it's hard to move when an oaf is hugging you," I replied. 

"And I was wondering why I woke up this morning," Luke sighed as he let go of me. "It was just so my girlfriend could berate me." 

I spun around, opened my mouth, and then closed it as my eyes met his. 

It was unfair, really, how he looked today. He wasn't wearing a hat, and the drifting snow had crowned his blond hair with white, offsetting the sparkle in his blue eyes as he met my gaze. 

"What's that face for?" Luke smirked, his lips tilting into a lopsided grin as he noticed my stare. "Am I looking especially dashing today?" 

"It's Christmas," I replied. "Everyone looks better today." I smiled cheekily at him. "It's why you won't stop staring at me." 

"I've already told you that you are beautiful today," Luke said. "I'm not denying it." He reached out and brushed a strand of my hair over my shoulder. "I love you, Rianna." 

"I love you too, Castellan." 

Luke smiled softly, cupped my face in his hand, and leaned in. I found myself keenly aware of the snowflakes caught on his long lashes and then he was kissing me. Warmth shot through my veins, lighting an internal flame inside, and I kissed him back, my arms wrapping around him and pulling him closer to me. 

"Oy! Love birds! There's no mistletoe outside!" 

"Shit, I thought I managed to creep past Chris this morning," Luke said in annoyance as he pulled back. 

I blinked, feeling a fresh blush rise to my cheeks but laughed as I grasped his hand. "We should go in." 

"Mhm," Luke replied, squeezing my hand. "We'll finish this later." 

Before I could process his words, Nicole's head popped outside. "There's hot chocolate!" 

I grinned at Luke. "Race you."

Laughing, I took off towards the warmth of the cafeteria and a steaming mug of hot chocolate waiting for me.

It was finally Christmas. 

Blade's Edge || Deception Book II ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora