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Guys, I can't believe this is happening. Two years ago, on March 20, 2020, I started writing First Lie. Now, I'm finished the second book.

SKFJRJSLCMDJSJCJENXJFJSNDJ I seriously can't believe this, and I don't think I can say thank you enough to everyone who is reading this and supporting me. You guys give me the motivation to write, so thank you thank you thank you thank you.

You know how at the end of every book all the authors have like a page or three dedicated to thanking everyone? I feel like doing that, but you guys probably don't want to read through the acknowledgements so I'll pass.

But seriously, thank you so much for reading and making me laugh as I read your comments. Trust me, I see ALL of them even if I don't respond. So thanks for commenting too!

I want your input on something. Many of you know that I currently have another book, Through the Burning Fires of Hell, which I have stopped writing because I've been focused on this one and Clarianna's story. But now, this book is finished. I have two options:

1. TTBFOH continues to be on hold, and I will start writing the third (and last) book of Clari's story. Raven and Nico will wait until I'm done, and then, during the summer of 2023, likely August, I will publish TTBFOH all at once. The second book of Ravens story will come out a year later (2024) once again published all at once.

Rough dates are this:
- Deception Book 3 comes out March 19 2022, roughly finishes around March 13, 2023 with weekly updates
- All of TTBFOH are published in mid-August, 2023
- All of TTBFOH #2 is published in June, 2024

^This is the first option.

This is the second option:

2. Clarianna's story is put on hold, and I finish writing TTBFOH, which will be updated one week at a time. Once I finish that, I will go back to writing the third and last book of Clari's story, which will also be updated one week at a time. Then, the second book of TTBFOH will be published all at once, probably during August 2024.

Rough dates are this:
- Start publishing TTBFOH on March 19, roughly finishes around October, 2022 with weekly updates
- Deception Book 3 comes out November, 2022, and roughly finishes around December, 2023 with weekly updates
- TTBFOH #2 is updated all at once, roughly around mid-August, 2024 

Personally, I prefer option one because it just makes it easier for me to stick to one story and those characters, since it allows me to really get into them. Also, I just finished Blade's Edge and my head is still in Clari, and it would be harder for me to write the third book after Raven. The timeline would probably be better too imo.

But I'm fine with either, and it's up to you guys to pick.

I will be deleting comments as soon as I read them to make sure no one does any bandwagon or whatever, just to make it fair.

Alright, please put your vote here:

I will let you guys know next week what direction we'll be going in, and then I'll start!

Once again, thank you so much for reading, commenting, voting, and supporting me through this crazy journal!

Maybe we should come up with a name for you guys, lol. What do you think?

Okay, I promise, last time. Thank you, and I hope you have a great day!


P.s.: To all those still in school, hang on in there cuz there's only one week left until March break! At, least, in Canada. They should really extend it to two weeks, especially if teachers are going to give us a stack of homework. Like, it's called March BREAK for a reason.

EDIT: OKAY, I know I said I'd update tomorrow. I'm sorry 🥺

Last week (before March Break) my teachers gave me a veritable mountain of homework and I've been spending this entire gods damned March break sloughing through it (and I'm still not done).

So, obviously, the update tomorrow is not happening. 😭 I'm sorry!!!! I feel so bad because I said I'd start the next book tomorrow, but I'm just too busy right now and I don't have time.

I will do my best to get the story up next week, but I can't make any promises because it's just absolutely crazy right now

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I will do my best to get the story up next week, but I can't make any promises because it's just absolutely crazy right now. I hope you guys aren't too mad at me 🥺.

If not next week, I swear on the Styx it'll be up next next week, though fingers crossed for next week.

I love you all so much for supporting me, and hopefully you're break (if you're having it) has been going MUCH better than mine.

I'll see you next week (hopefully), and please please please enjoy this weekend. I'll live vicariously through you guys lol.

Thank you so much, and I love you!


- Aeryndyl

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