That kind of people.

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Orazia and Narmer were leaning over the flying motorcycle. There was no sign of Orazio in the vicinity.

- Hey, Narmer!!! - Orazia turned around her head and looked at him. - Where is Orazio?
- I don't know - said Narmer - Near here there is a closed factory. Maybe he sought refuge there. We should go take a look.

- I'll go with you - said Orazia.
Narmer gave a nod and they both walked back to the road where they had left the red sports car.

Narmer went back to Interlace.
- It is an old bio-engineering center - said Narmer - It has been inactive for decades. I guess it's half in ruins.

Narmer drove the vehicle through a forest track to the paved entrance of the industrial complex. Something didn't fit... the place didn't look abandoned. There were no cars in the parking lot but the buildings had lights on inside. They walked around the perimeter of the building. There were no windows on the ground floor. The door was locked so Narmer began to pick the lock. Orazia stood close by. The door clicked open and they went inside.

Suddenly, a flash of white light blinded Orazia for a few moments. When her eyesight adjusted, she saw that they were surrounded by a group of old-fashioned looking robots.

- Your access to these facilities is not authorized - said a voice that seemed to come from everywhere - If you do not leave this area immediately we will inform the authorities.
- Who are you? - asked Orazia.

- I am the security system. Please state your exact intentions.
- We're here find someone. A boy of about eighteen named Orazio D'Aquino. - said Orazia.

- Legally, you cannot be within a hundred yards of this place - said the voice.
- What? This building is abandoned! - Orazia protested.
- Abandoned? Yes, but the building is still the property of Unay Pharmaceuticals. You're very close to being within our legal rights to apprehend you. Please step back from this location.

- Don't listen to it! It's just trying to stop us from finding Orazio! - Orazia said, but Narmer put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

- The police are looking for us - whispered Narmer - We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. Let's just go.
- This system is not configured to respond to sarcasm. Please state your name and ID code. - intoned the voice from above them all.

- Fuck it, - said Orazia - If you don't tell us where Orazio is, I'm going to reduce this place to rubble. When the police arrive here there will be nothing left but a pile of scrap metal.

The voice was silent for a few seconds, as if it did not know what to answer.

- Orazia - said Narmer trying to calm the girl - This is not a good idea. Let's get out of here, we'll look for Orazio somewhere else.

- What if he is here and needs us? - Orazia answered, determined to start searching the place.

- It could also be that he is not here, that the police come and we can no longer look for him - whispered Narmer trying to hold Orazia by the arm.

Orazia paused. What Narmer was saying was logical, but that place gave her a bad feeling.

Orazia sighed.
- It's okay - she said calming down - you may be right.
Orazia and Narmer left the place escorted by the robots without knowing how close they had been to finding Orazio.

Both returned to the car.
- Don't worry - said Narmer seeing that Orazia was very discouraged - We will find him. He didn't have a vehicle, so he couldn't have gone very far. A person like him attracts a lot of attention. Someone must have seen him.

- That's precisely what worries me - said Orazia - What if those crazy women from the Cult of Isis are still looking for him? What if they have arrived before us and have captured him?
- Well, it is a possibility - acknowledged Narmer - but first we should exhaust others. Coming this way I saw a big house in the forest. Maybe Orazio saw it too and looked for help. He must have no money or supplies.

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now