We could all end up dead

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At this point you may be thinking that we have forgotten about Isis and her Cult. Not at all! I too am curious to know what she is up to so let's take a trip to Philae, the town that Isis built with her considerable fortune, and see what she does.

She was at this moment sitting by a lake far from the town. It was a beautiful, sunny day without the slightest cloud in the sky. The sun shone brilliantly upon the surface of the water. The air was warm and balmy.

Isis was dressed in a flowing white dress which tied at the waist with a thin sash of black material. Suddenly, the prevailing peace was broken by the sound of cautious footsteps. Isis did not need to look to know who approached her trembling with fear.

It was Neboo, the Captain of the Temple Eyes. She knelt in front of Isis.

- My goddess! - she cried, - You sent for me!

- Indeed I did Neboo. - Isis smiled slightly, looking away.

Neboo looked at the ground ashamed of her weakness. Isis reached out and caressed her cheek.

- It is alright Neboo, - said Isis. - Don't be afraid. Just tell me what I want to hear and everything will be fine.

- We still don't know where Orazio is - replied Neboo on the verge of tears.

- But that's not what I want to hear - said Isis with a cruel smile.

Neboo was silent. She looked at the floor once more, waiting. She did not wish to disappoint her goddess. Suddenly the words she had planned to say slipped from her lips.

- My goddess - said Neboo without daring to look up - We have not located your chosen one, but we have found out all about him and the people who are helping him.

Isis did not answer. She merely gazed at Neboo with an amused smile. She longed to find Orazio and get him back in her possession, but she also enjoyed the hunt and Neboo's fear.

- Tell me everything - she said at last.

- Yes, my goddess - replied Neboo.

She took a deep breath and looked at Isis with determination. She then recounted to her mistress what she knew. 

When Neboo finished reporting a sadistic smile appeared on Isis' face.

- I know what we're going to do - she said - It's going to be a lot of fun and exciting.

- My goddess? - replied Neboo, puzzled.

Isis merely smirked.

She stood up and walked towards the lake, pausing once to look back at Neboo before reaching the shore of the lake and dipping her feet into its water. She stood there gazing at the blue water. 

- Let's get the rats out of their burrow. Especially that Narmer. I have promised myself that I would make him suffer for depriving me of my chosen one. And I will. I promise you that.

 * * *

Orazio came awake with a start, covered in sweat and gasping, unable to believe the dream that had woken him up. His chest was burning and his breathing was heavy. He glanced around the room.

Since Orazia kicked him out of the room they shared, he had had to sleep in Carlos' room. Carlos was reading a book - a paper book! As far as Orazio knew nobody did that anymore. If he hadn't been so scared by what he had just dreamed he would have asked Carlos about the book.

- Good morning - said Orazio as he began to forget the nightmare he had just had.
- Good morning, brother - said Carlos looking up from his book and giving him a friendly smile. - Are you okay?

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now