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When he woke up the next day, Orazio felt terrible. His mouth was pasty and as soon as he tried to move he felt his stomach churning and his head was spinning. He felt like he was going to be sick.

Then he realized that he had several arms and legs on him. They were some of Emma's friends. Both they and he were completely naked. What the hell had he done the night before?

He remembered nothing. He had no idea where he was. He only knew that he had slept on the floor of a huge room and that his whole body ached. Some parts more than others, now that he thought about it.

He pushed the girls' arms and legs away, trying not to wake them up, and as best he could, he stood up. He felt a stinging in his belly, just above his pubis.

He looked at himself and saw to his horror that he had something tattooed there.

The room had a huge mirror that looked familiar to Orazio. He walked towards it and looked at himself. It took him a while to read what it said on the tattoo, but in the end he managed.

And underneath it an arrow pointing to his cock.

- We made you another one in the back - said Emma suddenly appearing.

Orazio turned around to check. Indeed, he had another tattoo just above his ass identical to the previous one.

Emma put her hand on Orazio's shoulder.
- I'm sorry - she said with a charming smile of regret - We got a little carried away last night.

Orazio panicked, what was he going to do? Orazia was going to kill him when she saw that. He was dead on his feet.

- Don't worry, - she said seeing his panicked face - I'll have it lasered off. It's on me. It's the least I can do. Unless... Do you like it?

- No! - said Orazio - I mean... I like it... but I can't go around with this.

Emma laughed.
- I was only joking. Come, I will order the androids to prepare us some breakfast and something for the hangover.

Orazio had almost forgotten that normally the androids followed the orders of the humans and not the other way around.

As he followed Emma, Orazio realized two things: that under those panties was the most perfect ass he had ever seen and that the house was strangely familiar.

Of course it was! It was Mrs. Johnson's old mansion. Emma must have rebuilt it after Isis' attack. But she had rebuilt it according to her own tastes. Certainly not the same tastes as Mrs. Johnson's.

After reaching the kitchen, Orazio realized that he had eaten almost nothing yesterday. That androids would prepare breakfast was a welcome idea.

Breakfast was delicious. Orazio never had much of an appetite. At the orphanage he was only given a bland white pasta to eat and had never developed a taste for food. But that was delicious.

- Can I ask you a question Orazio? - said Emma looking at him with a smile.

- Of course.

Emma seemed to hesitate.
- I wouldn't want to offend you - she said - I had a great time last night. At least the part I remember, - she added with a laugh.

Orazio laughed too.
- Anyway, thanks to your pills, all of us had a blast, - she continued - probably too much. But these pills are very good. You should market it. Maybe you can make a fortune.

- The pills were Grace's thing - said Orazio, taken by surprise -I had never tried them before.

- Really? - said Emma, arching her eyebrows.

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now