Dea et machina

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As you may already know, Orazio was not good at making plans. So he did something he was better at: stupidity. 

He pounced on the Eye closest to him and tried to snatch her weapon. 

The Eye was so surprised by the unexpected and stupid attack that Orazio almost succeeded.

The other Eyes quickly intervened and grabbed Orazio.

He started to struggle, but they had the advantage, flanked him from both sides and held him in a headlock. 

Emma watched as Orazio struggled with all his might. He was just a man, without the extraordinary powers given by the hormone Isis. And yet he was still trying to escape. 

Neboo and the other five Eyes were distracted with Orazio, it was time for Emma to do something. 

Despite the fact that she was wounded by the various abuses she had been subjected to and drugged, she summoned her psi exo-armor.

She jumped on one of the Eyes, grabbed a rifle and threw it at another. She grabbed a third one, broke her neck and used her as a human shield.

Neboo was the quickest to react. She aimed her enhanced taser at Emma and fired; but before the shock could reach her, Emma threw the Eye she was using as a shield at Neboo with terrible force. 

The Eye's body slammed into Neboo who in turn slammed brutally into the cell wall. 

Neboo was still wounded from her previous encounter with Emma and gave the young woman a hateful glare.

- Damn bitch - she said between her teeth - I don't care about Isis' orders. This time I'm going to... 

She didn't finish the sentence, the alarm of the Temple had been activated and could be heard not only there. But in all Philae. 

Neboo smiled. She knew that at that moment dozens and dozens of Temple Eyes were heading that way.

Outside the cell, J4N3 was trying to stand up, while Isis watched her triumphantly.

The sound of combat boots clacking against the floor of the cell was barely audible due to the wailing of the alarm siren. 

Soon, J4N3 was surrounded by a score of Temple Eyes aiming their automatic weapons at her. 

- And now I say: Game Over - said Isis with an amused smile.


- You are very handsome - she had said - what is your name?

Orazio had taken her by the hand and had started to walk.

- You wouldn't know it - he said smiling with some mischief.

She laughed a little.

- Too bad, I am Orazia - she said.

Hearing that Orazio stopped in his tracks.

- Really? - he said incredulously - My name is Orazio!

- Well, Orazio, it's a pleasure to meet you - she said smiling and holding out her hand to him.

- Yes, it's nice to meet you too - he said shaking her hand.

That scene had occurred only a few months earlier. Although it seemed like a lifetime ago.

Still, Orazia remembered it as if it had happened yesterday. And that made her cry.

Her mother, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was looking at her out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't bear to see her daughter suffer like that.

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now