35 - Grief

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"So what happened between you and your parents last night? " JJ asks, grabbing one of the bungee cords bundled in my hands, tying it onto now of the tins Kie was hanging on. I glance at Kie, daggers shooting out of my eyes and she purses her lips together, looking the complete other direction. "well... nothing good. All I can say is I'm not welcome there anymore and my dad knows about the baby. God if my mom wasn't home I'm pretty sure I'd be dead there on my porch, blood pooling out onto the sidewalk"

JJ's eyes turn sad and not even a second later his arms are wrapped around me, my head bundled into the crook of his neck. "Well if it's any consolation I almost killed my dad yesterday, so shit really do be fucked up. For real though." his voice vibrates through my chest into my ribcage the way that I can feel his sincereness all the way to my fingertips.

You see here's the thing with JJ, no matter what fucking happens within his life he can flip it on a dime and make a joke out of it. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him, but it's also why he can tick me off to earth's end.

"JJ," I pull away from his chest for a second, making direct eye contact with him and its almost like he knows what I'm about to say as he raises his eyebrows. "sorry, just trying to diffuse the tension." his fake British accent pops out, sending me into a fit of giggles as my nose crinkles up.

"god I hope our child does that." JJ smiles, tapping me on the nose and I nudge him lightly with the knuckles of my hand. "what, fake a British accent? Well let's hope she really likes watching Peppa pig. She'll learn real quick."

"no the way you crinkle you nose when you laugh, and the way your smile alone can brighten up a room." his face inches towards mine and once they are almost brushing against mine he halts. "So you think it's a girl eh?" my eyes flash open to meet his green ones and I pull away. "I don't recall saying those exact words."

He gives me a knowing look before wrapping his hands around my waist and suddenly I'm slung over his left shoulder, spiraling into a fit of giggles. "JJ! Put me down!" I squeal as the sound of his own deep laugh vibrates with mine.

"Not until you admit that you think I'm right! That you think it's a girl." I ponder the thought for a second before sighing. "Whatever you say J, we'll see in a month." His hands start to lower me down, siding parallel with his front until my feet touch softly on the ground.

"John B pulling a Houdini," JJ leans back into the cats ass, grabbing a swig of his beer before glancing at the chateau. "Guess so, Pope don't you have the scholarship interview tomorrow to get ready for?"

"Yeah so John B better hurry the eff up." He grumbles and I hear Kiara let out a laugh in the distance. "Hey speak of the devil, Hey! Dude I set up the waiter winch to pull up the gold and everything !" JJ leans back, bringing up his bottle in a toast before bringing it to meet with his lips and I pull it away:

"No he did not. I did that. Those two were doing lovebird shit and distracting us." Pope gestures over to JJ and I but John b doesn't seem to notice that any of us are trying to talk to him. He just walks right past us and storms into the front door of the château.

"Anyone know what's up with him?" All of us shake our heads as I press my fingers to my forehead, "Your guess is as good as mine."

We all follow him into the house, our eyes gaze over to the sight unraveling in front of us. he's completely distraught, dishes and cupboards clanking and bustling all over the place. We all share an identical look before Pope reaches towards him. "You alright man? What's up.."

"What are you looking for?" John B just ignores them, making a beeline to the bother side of the room. "What's goin on man?" JJ asks from next to me and a second later John B hand raises from the couch cushions, a handgun lain in his hand and an auditable gasp is heard throughout the room.

"John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ approaches him and reaches for his arm but he jest spins around, shoving him onto the cot as his eyes darken. "John B what the hell!" I exclaim, storming after him as Kie makes sure that JJ is alright. once I reach him my hand grasps for his elbow but he maneuvers around it and in the process sending me flailing onto my ass.

"John B what the hell are you doing?" the other three emerge from the house as the sound of the bike's engine revving echoes. "Ward knows about the gold. He killed my dad." he says, his voice breaking before he shoots off into the depths of the road beyond the chateau.

"Shit." JJ exasperates, pulling me up to my feet as I see Kie stop trying to follow him. "Are you okay?" JJ asks as I brush myself off, nodding. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm really concerned for him though. If I know anything about acting in anger or grief, John B is about to do something hella stupid and we need to make sure he doesn't get himself into more trouble than he already is. I mean for god sakes he's one step away from being taken by CPS to the mainland."

"I'm sorry but who asked you? It's not like you actually care about John B. The only reason you actually are here is for JJ and the gold." Pope whips around to face us and I feel JJ's grip around my waist tighten. "Pope what the hell! Why would you even say that?"

"JJ it's fine, Pope is aloud to have his own opinion. Whether or not that it's accurate is besides the point. I've done just as much if not more than you and it's not like you wouldn't benefit from getting the gold either. John b is JJ's family, he's like a brother to him therefore he's like family to me. And I'll do anything for family and keep them safe. I've lost too many people and I'll be a damn fool to lose another one." With that said I start walking toward the boating dock, stopping halfway there, turning mused around.

"Are you guys coming or not? We've got to make sure that John B doesn't kill ward. It won't only ruin him but it'll ruin Sarah as well. No matter if Ward did or didn't kill Big John, Sarah doesn't deserve to be fatherless."

"Hey Liliah!" JJ speaks up first and I feel my eyebrows raise. "You're going to need the keys to the boat doofus." His smirk is palpable all the way across the yard and soon after Pope and Kiara follow. "And it's not like she can drive the damn thing by herself."


Hey guys guess who's back.
Well I miss you guys
a lot and I know
this chapter kind of
sucked but I promise
it can only go up from
here because we're getting
into the juicy part of the plot.
I'm really excited for
season two coming out
July 31st and my
goal is to have all of
season one written by
then but we'll have to see.
I hope you enjoyed this
chapter and stay tuned
for another one coming soon.

The other side | OBXDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora