Chp 1:

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The next day came quicker than I thought which was probably due to the fact that I slept through dinner and anything else that probably happened during the evening.

I had finished getting ready and trudged down the steps. Nick stood in the living room, pacing back an forth on a phone call, his tone of voice was fairly stern and intimidating.

He notices me and ends his call. He leans in and places a kiss on my lips. "How are you?", "I'm fine." I say as I walk past him and down into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you last night." I say as I grab a carton of orange juice from the fridge, pouring myself a glass and turning to look at Nick.

His arms are folded across his chest and he gives me a slight nod of the head. "I know that you didn't mean it." I set the glass down on the counter top and intertwine my fingers awkwardly.

"I did...and I didn't." He looks at me bemused and tilts his head to the right. "Go on?", I shake my head. "No, forget about it. I need to get to work." I place my hands on my hips and huff.

He nods and I grab my car keys, coat, and purse. "I love you." He says leaning in to me and places a kiss on my lips. I smile and nod my head. "I love you too."

And with that I leave and head down to my car. I drive through the busy morning traffic, the sun was just now coming up and I sighed.

After about thirty minutes I finally arrive at the office and park in the garage then take the elevator up and walk through the clear glass doors of my office.

Naomi stands and walks over to me. "Hey, you alright?" I sit down and nod. I felt winded. Was it even possible to start getting symptoms this early on. Naomi's brow creases and she sits down across from me.

"No, something's different with you." I had been to work most days the last few weeks...why was she just now sensing this.

"No. Everything's the same, Nay." I say taking a sip of water from my bottle that I had brought along with me. "You'd tell me if something wasn't? Right?" She asks. I nod. "Yes, of course."

She was so nosey sometimes, but don't get me wrong I love the girl. "Well, Stella is currently taking care of some calls to some of our customers-she's really doing a great job." I smile lightly.

"I believed that she would be-I'm just glad that she's living up to that." I say pulling folders from my desk and flipping through them.

Naomi nods. "Well, I have a few calls to make and some emails to respond to." I nod and she stands to leave. I sigh again and run my hands through my shoulder length brown hair.

I flip through some stacks of paper and some information about some clients when a knock comes at my door. I look up to see a petite blonde walk in. Stella.

"Hi, Stella. Please, come in." I say, she gives me a smile and takes a seat. "What can I help you with?" I ask. "Oh, I was just wondering if I could take some time off the next couple of days. It's matter." I crease my brow and nod.

"Yes, sure. That'd be fine." I say. She gives me a half smile. "Thank you, it means a lot." I smile. "You're welcome." I say and she stands. "Oh, also-I took care of those transactions you had asked me to do about a few days ago."

"Great, thank you. Just make sure to get me the information regarding it and have it on my desk before you go."She nods. "Yes ma'am." And with that she leaves.

Ma'am. I hated being called that, I wasn't my mom. My eyes widen...oh god. I was though, soon. I groan and cover my face with my hands.

I sit like that for a bit of time and then begin to feel nausea wash over me. I jump up and rush towards the bathroom which was outside of my office. I knew that I was probably being stared at but I didn't care as I opened the door and enter a stall.

I lean against the wall of the bathroom stall and shut my eyes as I hear the restroom door open. I open the stall door and step out to see Naomi standing in front of me, her face showed every bit of concern.

"When were you planning on telling me?" She asks as she places her hands on her hips. I crease my brow. "Tell you what?" I say pushing past her and walking up to the sink, I clutch the sides of it and exhale.

"Tessa don't play that card with me. You're pregnant." I look up into the mirror and then turn around to face her. I break down crying and walk into her, she hugs me and rubs my back.

"Tess, no...don't cry." I sniffle and wipe my eyes, taking a step back to look at her. "That's exactly it. I'm pregnant!" I say with frustration. She frowns. "What? You're not happy?" She asks concerned.

I shrug. "I'm not sure...I didn't want this! I didn't ask for this." I say wiping my tears again and sighing. "Tessa..."She touches my arm and looks at me intently. "What?", "Does he know?" She asks. I nod.

"What does he think?" Her tone of voice is soft and soothing. Her reaction to this news is the exact opposite from what I thought it'd be.

"I can't tell." She looks at me. "Look, Nick is a really smart and kind guy. I'm sure that he's thrilled." I shake my head in response to her comment.

"No, he's so hung up with work...sometimes I wonder if it's on purpose." She frowns again. "Look, you can get through this and I'll be right by your side through the whole thing." I hug her again tightly.

"Naomi please...this stays between us." I say. She nods.

I sigh with relief as the bathroom door opens up and in walks Jasmine one of my employees, she looks at me confused. "Are you alright, Tessa?" She asks. I nod and give her a half hearted smile.

"Yes." I nod to Naomi for us to leave the bathroom and we walk back to my office. "Who else knows?" She asks as we both sit down.

"My family and Eli." She nods. "How did they all react?"

"Surprisingly well. My parents are thrilled and Eli...well he's just Eli." I say with a slight laugh and Naomi smirks.

"And with Natalia?" I frown. Nick's mom. "He hasn't spoken to her in weeks." She purses her lips and frowns also.

"It doesn't matter...I wouldn't want her apart of our kids life." Naomi's eyes widen. "Really?" I nod. "Yes, really."

"Well she'll be missing out big time." She says, "Yes she will. But by now...Nick and I could care less."

I rub my arm and look down. "Look, I'll be here for both of matter what." Says Naomi. I look up at her and give her a smile. "Okay. Thank you."

I could use all of the help and support that I could get at the moment.

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